Our Prime Minister Abolishes the Government of Canada, Replaces it with "The Harper Government", Canadians are F**ked.

Our modest, self-effacing autocratic Prime Minister has demanded that the country's civil service must cease to use "the government of Canada" in official publications. From now on, the tax-funded communiques must refer to "the Harper government."
(I favor "the Harper regime," personally.)  He is a narcissistic, disrespectful, and dangerous man.
Back in 2006, they did something similar, switching "Government of Canada" to "Canada's New Government":
The phrase was quietly dropped in October 2007, with most references reverting to the "Government of Canada."
Maybe NOW people will understand why a man who tells a female author 'When I'm in charge, women like you won't be able to publish this trash' might not be the most progressive leader our country needs right now.

(Also, Toronto will be known as "Harpertown," members of Parliament will be known as "Mini-Harpers," Tim Hortons will be known as "Steve Harptons," and Stephen Harper will be known as "Margaret Trudeau.")