International Women's Day Centenary

Photo: Viktoria Prada Moldova

Black Festimage 2009

8 March 2011 is being celebrated in many parts of the world as the '100th Anniversary of International Women's Day'.
It is also the first International Women’s Day for UN Women, created by the UN General Assembly on 2 July 2010.
The official theme of International Women’s Day 2011 is "Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women".
Irina Bokova/ Unesco Director-General
© UNESCO/Andrew Wheeler

"International Women’s Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries. Since then, the celebration has become global, and much has been achieved. The 2011 International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate achievements and mobilize against the challenges that remain.


This year’s International Women’s Day is inspired by the theme of ‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.’ This goes to the heart of UNESCO’s mission. We work to strengthen the bridges between education, training, science and technology and the labour market in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment. 

This starts early, with quality education for all girls and young women from the primary to the tertiary level. It continues with vocational training and education for women who have not acquired basic skills. It proceeds with creating positive role models and career tracks – especially in such areas as science and technology."

Message from the Director-General

The Mirror/ Roby Sofer 

Teachers play a critical role towards the achievement of the Education for All (EFA) goal on gender equity.
In many developing countries there is a shortage of female teachers, particularly at secondary and tertiary levels and in the subjects of science and maths. Capacity development and awareness-raising are essential to empower women teachers to be both effective practitioners and gender advocates.
UNESCO also works to support gender equity in education, in terms of access and achievement through partnership with key organizations, research and production of guidelines and policy briefs

Minerva - Department of women's gender and sexuality studies
 at the  Ohio State University

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