Kimi Kobayashi+ Banksy= Keyser-fucking-Söze.

So, it'a been a blast and an exceptional two days to be sick in bed with you, Peter, but I think... I think I want to start seeing other people.

"You can't fire me, Bitch... I QUIT."

But, in all seriousness, it is pretty played out.
'I Just DGAF' has deleted all comments to me and Peter Coffin has locked his tweets again & deleted his reddit account on the thread he created to insist that he was a victim of a "smear campaign'.  If his story was true, the worst he'd be a victim of is bad judgment for presuming his Asian model internet girlfriend of 8 months was sincere.  This whole 'the world is out to get me' bullshit was a reach from the beginning and it failed miserably.
His starfucker celebrity status whoring only ensured that all the evidence of his weird, sick, alternate universe was on full display for all reporters, twitter followers, facebookers and bloggers to document.

Shutting up would have been his best option, and finally I think he has.

It was a dick move, it was humiliating, but I don't wish to harm or hurt the guy.
He has given me much pleasure in the last 24 hours and I do wish him the best from here on out.
Get your shit together, get a day job, get to a gym, stop trying to be popular and try being personable.

One day I hope to hear his name referenced and be able to say "Hey, I remember that guy..."

Still nice to know he's following my every post, though:

Is the "blogger" he is referring to ME, speaking to me as 'I Just DGAF'?  You make the call.  He has not been noted as speaking on any other blogs during this time.  Not even Xiaxeu's.  Interesting.