Don't Forget to Enter Our Novel Giveaway: Winners Picked March 31st

On March 14th, Lightsaber Rattling passed 50,000 page views.  I am really excited about this, as I started the this little blog as a way to channel my passion for Star Wars.

I never really thought anyone other then myself would visit the blog regularly but I am pleased to see that people are giving Lightsaber Rattling a chance.  As a way to say thank you to my fellow Star Wars fans I am going to hold a give away.

We are going to have 2 winners:  One Winner will receive Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams in Hardcover.  The other Winner will receive Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast by Aaron Allston in Paperback.

Fatal Alliance is the first of the TOR Tie in novels and is a massive book.

Outcast is the first book in the current FotJ series and is a great jumping off point in the modern EU. 

3 Easy Steps To ENTER: 

Email me at:

Subject Line: "Star Wars Giveaway"

Message Body: Fatal Alliance or Outcast and your First name.

(Choose which book to enter for, only 1 entry per person please.) 

WINNERS will be announced via the website on Thursday March 31st.  Winners will then be contacted via email for shipping address and as soon as I can get to the post office, the books will be in the mail.

May the Force be with you.....