SHENANIGANS. (AKA: Our Friends Make Music.)

Thursday: St Patrick's Day debauchery at the Crown.  I won 'Free Beer for a Year' and danced my ass off.  Prairie Nights were so good and the night ended poetically as I helped Lindsey's cute little drunken ass from the bathroom and into a cab.  I didn't leave until 4am.  I love that place.
(Prairie Nights is the folk version of West of Winnipeg.  Same people, different music.)

Friday: The audio/rocketry CD release show at the Pawnshop.  FANTASTIC show with Rusty (nice shorts, never-nude), Desiderata, and Feast or Famine.  JESUS.

(It was Kevin & Paddy's last night. Boo.  Also, the sound is shit.  This is posted more for posterity not to convert.  They are much much better than this vid represents.)

(Not from that night but the boys are not their best promoters.  Here's a taste.)

Saturday: Bad Science Party for Ramsden's birthday (watch shitty sci-fi movie, for every instance guilty of bad science, drink.  We watched 'The Core' and most were drunk by the first hour.)
And then we ended the early weekend with the unveiling of the first video for The Sister Gray band 'Close the Night".  They played a show with The Fight and Elliott and it was a sweet intimate setting with good people.  They are SUCH fab girls and I wish them so much goodness.  The video really doesn't capture their energy, their talent, and their beauty.  I'd probably hate them a little if they weren't such sweethearts.

Sunday was relaxing with a trip downtown and dinner & hot tub.  Just to remind us that we are, in fact, adults with family and down-time.  ;)