Earth Hour 2011: It's time to go beyond the hour!

At 8:30 PM (local time) on Saturday, March 26, 2011, lights will switch off around the globe for Earth Hour and people will commit to actions that go beyond the hour.

With Earth Hour almost upon us, our thoughts are with the people of Japan during this incredibly challenging and sad time for their country.

The simple idea of switching off lights for an hour to drive action on climate change began in Australia in 2007.

This year it’s expected that well over 1 billion people in over 145 countries will take part.

This Earth Hour we want you to go beyond the hour, so after the lights go back on think about what else you can do to make a difference. Together our actions add up.


In Portugal 81 cities will switch off the lights of some emblematic monuments ! Families, friends, will stay together to switch off the lights at home. Some go on the street to illuminate the cities with candle lights.


Students are more and more motivated for environmental problems.  I have developed some Earth Hour projects with my students for Earth Hour 2008Earth Hour 2009Earth Hour 2010 in Portuguese curricum, Une Heure pour la Terre 2010 in French foreign language curriculum. 

Here some activities created by Earth Hour network that you can develope in the classroom, envolving your stydents:

  • Virtual Lantern project - Create a virtual lantern with the students. Choose a lantern shape, color and write a message and complete here 
  • Play the Lights out Game (younger students) here
  • Virtual Light Switch here

And why not a students' concert like this one...

Young violinists Conservatory of Music
Lisbon Metropolitana Orchestra

In Lisbon, the, the young group of Metropolitana Orchestra consisting of violin students from the Conservatory of Music of Lisbon, between 3 and 18 years old will play during Earh Hour 2011. Read here (Portuguese site).

This solidarity concert will take place at Aula Magna, Lisbon, at 8:30 PM (local time).

It is not just about lights, although the lights provide the lovely visible marketing shots of cities going dark. 

Turning off your computer, your TV and all those other power-hungry devices is an important part of the process. Your Geeklet ritually disconnecting from their game and shutting down the computer is really making a sacrifice. 

So, we are all on it! Tomorrow, 8:30 PM (local time) switch our lights, disconnect our geeklet ritual, light on our candles!

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