Heir to the Empire: 20th Anniversary Edition Preview: Annotation #2 from Star Wars Books on Facebook

Timothy Zahn's celebrated Star Wars Expanded Universe novel Heir to the Empire has reached its 20th anniversary and to celebrate it Lucas Books and Del Rey is releasing a special hardcover 20th Anniversary edition complete with annotations from Timothy Zahn and others involved in the making of the book.

Leading up to the June 21st release of this book, Star Wars Book on Facebook (Del Rey's official Star Wars Facebook site) will be teasing fans with excerpts from select annotations. 

The second annotation released on Facebook:

"In some ways, Karrde is my vision of how Han might have ended up if he hadn't dropped into the Mos Eisley cantina that afternoon for a quiet drink. Both men have a code of honor, especially toward their friends, and both are willing to be part of a larger group, though Han admittedly dragged ...his feet a long time before getting to that place." --Timothy Zahn

I think this is a real interesting take on both Han and Karrde.  I am not sure I agree with Zahn though.  Would the Han we meet in Mos Eisley have ever gotten to the point of where he was working for/with/in charge of a large organization like Karrde did?  Han seems like a fiercely independent smuggler that wouldn't have joined a larger group without a major intervening event/friendship leading him there.  It is a very interesting "what if" scenario as to what path Han's life would have taken if he left the Cantina a little early that day. 
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