Lightsaber Rattling: Star Wars Novel Giveaway Ends Tonight! 12AM PST


A reminder, today is the last day to enter Lightsaber Rattling's Book Giveaway.  I will be conducting the random drawing tomorrow morning and email the two winners.  Entries must be in by 12 am Pacific Standard Time tonight.  

Thanks and May the Force Be With You...

On March 14th, Lightsaber Rattling passed 50,000 page views.  I am really excited about this, as I started the this little blog as a way to channel my passion for Star Wars.

I never really thought anyone other then myself would visit the blog regularly but I am pleased to see that people are giving Lightsaber Rattling a chance.  As a way to say thank you to my fellow Star Wars fans I am going to hold a give away.

We are going to have 2 winners:  One Winner will receive Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams in Hardcover.  The other Winner will receive Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast by Aaron Allston in Paperback.

Fatal Alliance is the first of the TOR Tie in novels and is a massive book.

Outcast is the first book in the current FotJ series and is a great jumping off point in the modern EU. 

3 Easy Steps To ENTER: 

Email me at:

Subject Line: "Star Wars Giveaway"

Message Body: Fatal Alliance or Outcast and your First name.

(Choose which book to enter for, only 1 entry per person please.) 

WINNERS will be announced via the website on Thursday March 31st.  Winners will then be contacted via email for shipping address and as soon as I can get to the post office, the books will be in the mail.

May the Force be with you.....