Star Wars eBook Update from Star Wars Books on Facebook (Del Rey)

In response to a question regarding the rumored Star Wars eBook releases on 8/17/11 as posted yesterday, Star Wars Book on Facebook posted a reply today.  Del Rey Editor Erich Shoeneweiss (ES) had this to say:
Star Wars Books
As we've been saying for some time, we're working hard with Lucasfilm to make ebooks available as soon as possible for all the novels. It's a complicated process and not one that happens quickly. While the information that is being posted and talked about on other sites sprang from info on a Random House website it's common practice for Random House to use temporary data as placeholders until plans for books are finalized. When the time is right Random House and Lucasfilm will release an official statement regarding when we will expand our ebook program. Until then we ask for your patience. Thank you. (ES)
It appears that the release date and pricing information posted yesterday may be only placeholder data, so we may have to wait a little longer for these books to come out.  But it is certainly a good indication just how hard the folks at Lucasfilm and Random House are working to bring the full catalogue to the ebook format.

Lightsaber Rattling will stay on top of this subject and post more news and information as it becomes available.