Sarah Palin. Still Rogue. Still Not Making an Ounce of Sense.

Sarah Palin said President Barack Obama lacks experience in the public and private sectors in discussing his role in ongoing debate over unions, collective bargaining and the recent protests in Wisconsin.
But it's not what she said, but, in classic Palin style, how she said it.
By not really saying much at all.

"See because our president is so inexperienced in the private sector and in government and in actually running anything and making any kind of budget that inexperience has really made manifest in some of the statements he makes."

She just said "made manifest".  Jesus Christ.
I, for one, can't WAIT for her to run for president.  She looks really prepared.
The only thing that can stop her now is if... you know... anyone else runs.

“Or whether there’s nobody willing to do it, to make the tough choices and not care what the critics are going to say about you, just going forward according to what I believe the priorities should be.
“If there’s nobody else to do it, then of course I would believe that we should do this.”

And I don't want to nit-pick, because even a broken clock is right twice a day, but she is calling someone ELSE inexperienced?  This, the woman who notably couldn't tell the difference between North and South Korea and swore that she could see Russia from the Alaskan coast so that made her an expert in foreign affairs?

As my previous post confirms, I have gotten sucked into the madness that is Charlie Sheen but his crazy frightens me LESS.  I don't know if this woman really believes her rhetoric or if she is just trained to talk until something coherent comes out.  Here is a reminder of the insane balderdash this woman is capable of: