Battle Meditation Review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Finale: Padawan Lost and Wookiee Hunt (Episodes 3.21 & 3.22)

Episode Title & Number: "Padawan Lost" Episode 3.21 and "Wookiee Hunt" Episode 3.22

Original Air Date:4/1/11

Review Blurb:  Where Ahsoka gets lost in the fog of war,  Ahsoka shows she is more mature then Anakin, and Wookiees rule and lizards drool.

Jedi Fortune Cookie:  "Without humility, courage is a dangerous game." & "A great student is what the teacher hopes to be."
Episode Dramatis Personae:

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master
Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Padawan
Yoda, Jedi Grand Master
Plo Koon, Jedi Master
Lo-Taren, Trandoshan Hunter/Slaver
Garnac, Trandoshan Leader
Dar, Trandoshan Hunter/Slaver, Son of Garnac
Kalifa, Jedi Youngling (Human Female)
Jinx, Jedi Youngling (Twi'lek Male)
O-Mer, Jedi Youngling (Cerean Male)
Chewbacca, Wookiee
Sugi, Bounty Hunter (Zabrak Female)   
Seripas, Bounty Hunter

Episode Summary:

Padawan Lost: Turmoil in the Outer Rim! Located near a major hyperspace lane, the planet Felucia is caught in an unending battle between Republic and Separatist forces. Clone tank divisions make a valiant push deep into Separatist- controlled territory, led by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

General Grievous, learning of the impending Jedi attack, has dispatched reinforcements to one of his droid outposts, hoping to secure his grip on the system...

Wookiee Hunt:   Jedi abducted! Ahsoka Tano is missing in action. Captured and released into a hostile jungle, she fights to stay alive with the help of a small band of Jedi younglings.

As Anakin Skywalker scours the galaxy desperate to find his lost apprentice, Trandoshan sport hunters track their youngling prey.

With the death of their leader Kalifa, and separated from their friends, we find Ahsoka on the run as the hunters close in around her....
Episode Guide Synopsis:
Padawan Lost: Ahsoka and a group of abducted younglings find themselves trapped on a Trandoshan moon, prey in an elaborate and cruel hunt. The forlorn younglings have lost all hope, despite the best efforts of their spirited leader, Kalifa. Ahsoka rallies them to defend themselves and strike back against the Trandoshan, an effort with deadly consequences.

Wookiee Hunt:  As Ahsoka and her youngling allies struggle to evade the Trandoshan hunters, their efforts receive an unexpected boost when a new captive -- Chewbacca the Wookiee -- arrives. Chewie scrounges parts from a wrecked Trandoshan slave ship, assembling a communicator to send out a distress signal. Help arrives in the towering, shaggy form of Wookiee warriors led by General Tarfful. Freed from captivity, Ahsoka returns to the Jedi Temple and is reunited with Anakin Skywalker.

Don't eat the neon mushrooms..


I) Story/Writing:

One of the benefits of being the Supervising Director of the Clone Wars is that you get to pick and choose what episodes you direct.  Well Dave Filoni certainly picked a couple great episodes to take the reigns of and close Season 3 with a bang...err growl as it were.

As I discussed in the Preview for the season finale, the two episodes were written by Bonnie Mark who is a writer with television writing experience on  hour long dramas like NYPD Blue, Homicide and Third Watch. 
With the level of animation, acting, and production talent on this show there is no reason that the writers cannot take this show in a more complicated and mature direction.  I think what we have seen in The Clone Wars is the evolution of storytelling that is raising the bar for what we should expect from animated shows and so called "kids shows."  There is no reason that animation cannot be done on the small screen like it is done by Pixar and others on the big screen, with stories that work on multiple levels and for multiple age grouped audiences.  It feels like this is the direction that The Clone Wars is going and its being done in an organic, evolutionary way.  Some of the nuances of some stories may be lost on younger children, but challenging them to think is only a good thing.

The story itself is top notch, not only the main plot (Ahsoka), but the secondary plot (Anakin) is very well done.  The Anakin plot also does a lot to build his character and in my opinion foreshadows and helps explain the fear and desperation that we see driving him in Episode III.

This story I think also puts the Mandalore arc from the first half of season 3 into perspective.  Episode 3.6 "The Academy," saw Ahsoka travel to Mandalore and take the role of teacher and mentor to some young Mandolorians.  This experience helps Ahsoka grow and gives her experience interacting with younger people who look to her as the older more experienced person.  This is a change from her leadership role with Clone Troopers, and also a change from her role as Padawan/student as a Jedi. 

We are also seeing Ahsoka starting to really pile up a body count.  While she is not on the Jack Bauer ("24") role yet, she certainly has something against saurian alien species it appears.  First Osi Sobeck and now the Trandoshans.  If I am a Barabel, I am walking on the opposite side of the street then Ahsoka. 

One of my favorite parts of the episode was the jet pack scene in "Padawan Lost."  It was a little thing, but after Plo Koon tells his troopers to follow him and then Force leaps over the wall, I was laughing.  I'm thinking in my head, what kind of sarcastic responses the troopers must have been muttering under their breaths.  But then they had jet packs and did follow him. A nice little surprise.

Lots of deaths in these episodes, but I think they all worked well for story telling purposes.

The closing scene had a very interesting look on Yoda's face as he gazed at Ahsoka and Anakin walking away.  My interpretation was that he was pondering Anakin's reactions and trying to determine how he was doing with his attachment issue. This brings this episode very nicely in line with The Clone Wars movie and Yoda's explanation of the introduction of a Padawan to Anakin.  As he is watching Ahsoka and Anakin leave, I think Yoda is sinking into the Force and I am not sure from his animated reaction whether he was happy, bemused or contemplative with what he felt.

The biggest surprise for me was that the season finale didn't really end on a cliff hanger.  It was a pretty clean storytelling break.  I was expecting a little more of a " be continued." ending to Season 3.
II) Acting:
Ashley Eckstein is getting pretty good at this acting thing.  Matt Lanter really had me feeling Episode III Anakin in this one.  Solid job all around. 
III) Animation:
I would so move to Wasskah.  Its real pretty looking especially at night.  I really liked the little floating yellow criters.   To cute.  The scene with Anakin and Plo Koon in the Jedi Temple looks like a brilliant painting.

IV) New Characters/Planets/Vehicles:
Trandoshan Slave Ship

Wasskah, Moon

Wolf Pack
Wampa Throne.. Space Pimp
Trandoshan Hunting Pod
Kalifa, One and Done

O-Mer and Jinx

Trandoshan Hunting Base
Sugi, Serapis and Tarfful to the rescue

Wookiee Backrub

V) Continuity Clashes: "How I learned to stop worrying and love the ret-cons." 
"Go, I will. Good relations with the Wookiees, I have." ~ Yoda, Revenge of the Sith

Its nice when Star Wars media serves to enrich the tapestry of continuity instead of creating snags in that tapestry.  In the case of the Season 3 Finale, I think we got a lot of enrichment without any major clashes with continuity.  I have already discussed how the events  of the finale enrich the story of Anakin.  But one of the last scenes in "Wookiee Hunt," immediately made me think of Yoda from Episode III.  In "Wookiee Hunt" after rescuing Chewbacca, Ahsoka and the younglings we see a huddle of Wookies on a platform on Coruscant.  When that huddle breaks up, who is at the center but Master Yoda.  Its a small touch but it takes a line from the movies and gives it added depth. 
VI) Rating This Episode:

The first half of the season finale "Padawan Lost," was really solid, but its tough to give it the same or a higher grade then "Wookiee Hunt."  I would give "Padawan Lost" a 8.0 and "Wookie Hunt" a 9.0.  Combined the Clone Wars Season 3 finale gets a 8.5.  Very solid duology.   My advice to you, let the Wookiee win. 

Did anyone else catch Jar Jar's head mounted on the wall? (I know its another Gungan but lets pretend.. )
VII) Next on The Clone Wars:

SEASON 4: ?????????????????

Unfortunately Season 3 is now over and we will have a bit of a wait for new Clone Wars. What will we see in Season 4? I am not sure yet, but if I was a betting man. A Darth Maul/Savage Opress arc and possibly a larger overarching arc involving Maul for the whole season. I think we see continued independence of Ahsoka from Anakin, possibly with solo missions and team ups with other Jedi like Plo Koon. Visits to some new worlds. It would be cool to make a trip to Corellia. Hopefully now that they have the character models we see a Republic Commando arc.

Don't forget to keep visiting Lightsaber Rattling as we will be updating with the latest news and rumors for Clone Wars: Season 4 as news breaks.

Sexy like WHOA.

Tonight is Ladies Night and the Tiff Hall Band.
That requires some pre-pretty primping.
Exhibit A) Face Mask.
Exhibit B) Embarrassment.

I suffer for my beauty.

The Lush mask has seaweed in it.  It helps the overall attractiveness, I think.

Fanfilm: Hughes The Force: Official Teaser Trailer

In what looks to be an epic mash-up of John Hughes and Star Wars, the fanfilm Hughes The Force has released a teaser trailer for the film due out sometime this summer.  If you enjoyed the movie Weird Science then this looks to be right up your alley.  This one looks like fun.


VISIT Hughes The Force's Official Website and 
Follow them on Twitter  @HughesTheForce

George Lucas on 3D and The Future of Movies from CinemaCon

The Maker, George Lucas recently was part of a panel at the CinemaCon, movie theater industry convention, discussing the future of the film industry.  His prediction....three dimensions.

"So now when you're watching a movie and it's not in 3-D, it's like watching in black and white," Lucas told a crowd of theater owners at their CinemaCon convention. "It's a better way of looking at a film. ... I totally believe now that 3-D will completely take over just like color did."

"We have our third generation now of kids who are under 12 years old who have never seen 'Star Wars' on the big screen," Lucas said. "And I am betting a lot of people will go see a movie that they have seen on television a million times and they have the video at home, and they will go and see it because they want to see it in the theater in a social experience."

Lightsaber Rattling: Star Wars Novel Giveaway Winners Announced!

Winners drawn out of my buy'ce

Congratulations to Austin (Outcast) and Ulrich (Fatal Alliance) the winners of our first novel giveaway on 

Winners have been notified by email and I will be getting your books in the mail as soon as I get your mailing addresses.

Thanks again for everyone who entered and continue to visit Lightsaber Rattling for your Star Wars News and Commentary. 

"Bored at Work- Photoshopping Justin Bieber's Head onto Things."

"Did you draw Justin Biebers face on all the images in my stock images folder and save them over my files?"



Heir to the Empire: 20th Anniversary Edition Preview: Annotation #3 from Star Wars Books on Facebook

Timothy Zahn's celebrated Star Wars Expanded Universe novel Heir to the Empire has reached its 20th anniversary and to celebrate it Lucas Books and Del Rey is releasing a special hardcover 20th Anniversary edition complete with annotations from Timothy Zahn and others involved in the making of the book.

Leading up to the June 21st release of this book, Star Wars Book on Facebook (Del Rey's official Star Wars Facebook site) will be teasing fans with excerpts from select annotations. 

The third annotation released on Facebook:

"Originally, I had had Rukh and his fellows being Sith, keying off Vader's title of Lord of the Sith. Since at that point the term hadn't been defined, I figured I was safe. But Lucasfilm was concerned that George would want to use the Sith at some future date (which, as we all know, he did) and told me to pick some other term for them." --Timothy Zahn
This is one that some fans had heard before and some fans have not.  I think its interesting in that it illustrates just how far the Star Wars universe has expanded from the small snapshot of it we got in the movies. 

Visit Star Wars Books on Facebook for the latest book news, giveaways and cool fan interaction. 


Google Doodle celebrates Robert Bunsen

200th Anniversary Robert Bunsen

Today, Google celebrates the 200th birthday of one of the most important  chemister, Robert Wilhelm E. Bunsen. He investigated emission spectra of heated elements and discovered caesium (1860) and rubidium (1861) with Gustav Kirchhoff. Bunsen was a pioneer in photochemistry. He developed the laboratory gas burner, now popular as the "Bunsen burner" and still in use today.

Once again, Google reminds the world of the occasion, this time with an interactive chemical laboratory doodle. Do recognize the flaming Bunsen burner? Take a look on this video

Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award, named after Bunsen and his colleague Gustav Kirchhoff, is a prize awarded in recognition for "outstanding achievements" in analytical spectroscopy.

Robert Wilhelm E. Bunsen was born on March 31, 1811 in Göttingen, Germany.

Robert Bunsen statue 
Hauptstrasse, Heidelberg 

"Bunsen was one of the most universally admired scientists of his generation. He was a master teacher, devoted to his students, and they were equally devoted to him. 

At a time of vigorous and often caustic scientific debates, Bunsen always conducted himself as a perfect gentleman, maintaining his distance from theoretical disputes. 

He much preferred to work quietly in his laboratory, regularly enriching his science with useful discoveries. 

On a point of principle, he never took out a patent, despite the fact that his new battery and new laboratory burner would surely have brought him great wealth." Read more here


In the International Year of Chemistry what a wonderful motivation to educators and students to join the celebrations of IYC in Chemistry curriculum.

"The IYC 2011 will be a year-long celebration in which anyone can participate. You can coordinate an activity, engage in a project, or simply share an idea. Join in now and become part of something special." 

Educators can share, discuss and plan ideas for IYC 2011 here

Students can plan activities with their educators in the classroom and then share for IYC 2011, by country,  here

And to add an event or events to the list, go to the Activities section and submit a description of the activity. 

Don't miss the video message by Irina Bokova's, Director General of UNESCO, for the Opening of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011.

"Marie Curie was honoured with a Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911). Since then, only  3 women having been honoured on this way. It's important to encourage young women to contribute their talent to this exciting field."

Irina Bokova 

 "Chemistry - our life, our future."
(The official slogan of the IYC 2011) 

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®


Robert Bunsen

International Year of Chemistry 2011 

International Year of Chemistry 2011/UNESCO

Best. Drunk-dial. EVER.

Live Chat with Deceived Author Paul S, Kemp on Star Wars Books Facebook Page

Don't Miss a chance to chat with author Paul S. Kemp being hosted by Star Wars Books on their Facebook page.  Chat time will be 6:30pm EST tonight.  


Lightsaber Rattling: Star Wars Novel Giveaway Ends Tonight! 12AM PST


A reminder, today is the last day to enter Lightsaber Rattling's Book Giveaway.  I will be conducting the random drawing tomorrow morning and email the two winners.  Entries must be in by 12 am Pacific Standard Time tonight.  

Thanks and May the Force Be With You...

On March 14th, Lightsaber Rattling passed 50,000 page views.  I am really excited about this, as I started the this little blog as a way to channel my passion for Star Wars.

I never really thought anyone other then myself would visit the blog regularly but I am pleased to see that people are giving Lightsaber Rattling a chance.  As a way to say thank you to my fellow Star Wars fans I am going to hold a give away.

We are going to have 2 winners:  One Winner will receive Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams in Hardcover.  The other Winner will receive Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast by Aaron Allston in Paperback.

Fatal Alliance is the first of the TOR Tie in novels and is a massive book.

Outcast is the first book in the current FotJ series and is a great jumping off point in the modern EU. 

3 Easy Steps To ENTER: 

Email me at:

Subject Line: "Star Wars Giveaway"

Message Body: Fatal Alliance or Outcast and your First name.

(Choose which book to enter for, only 1 entry per person please.) 

WINNERS will be announced via the website on Thursday March 31st.  Winners will then be contacted via email for shipping address and as soon as I can get to the post office, the books will be in the mail.

May the Force be with you.....

Star Wars eBook Update from Star Wars Books on Facebook (Del Rey)

In response to a question regarding the rumored Star Wars eBook releases on 8/17/11 as posted yesterday, Star Wars Book on Facebook posted a reply today.  Del Rey Editor Erich Shoeneweiss (ES) had this to say:
Star Wars Books
As we've been saying for some time, we're working hard with Lucasfilm to make ebooks available as soon as possible for all the novels. It's a complicated process and not one that happens quickly. While the information that is being posted and talked about on other sites sprang from info on a Random House website it's common practice for Random House to use temporary data as placeholders until plans for books are finalized. When the time is right Random House and Lucasfilm will release an official statement regarding when we will expand our ebook program. Until then we ask for your patience. Thank you. (ES)
It appears that the release date and pricing information posted yesterday may be only placeholder data, so we may have to wait a little longer for these books to come out.  But it is certainly a good indication just how hard the folks at Lucasfilm and Random House are working to bring the full catalogue to the ebook format.

Lightsaber Rattling will stay on top of this subject and post more news and information as it becomes available. 



 A great, pull-no-punches article about the format change of 95.7: 


By Mike Ross


The gut reaction to listening to the radio station formerly known as the Sound – which relaunched Monday as Lite 95.7 – is to re-enact a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
It’s the part where Jack Nicholson’s character McMurphy tries to strangle the evil Nurse Ratched after she goaded a teenage boy into committing suicide. So they give him a lobotomy. The Chief sees what they did to his best buddy, and is unable to bear the thought of Mac living without frontal lobes, personality or identity in a hellish mental hospital for the rest of his life. So the Chief smothers his friend to death with a pillow before smashing a giant sink through the window and running free into the night – probably to a beautiful fantasy world where the radio dial is full of stations just like CKUA and CBC and CJSR.
Yes, listening to Lite 95.7 is exactly like that.
The Sound has been wiped clean. The last few months must’ve been some wonderful, bizarre dream where Alanis Morissette lived in the same Old Apartment as Beck and Stevie Ray Vaughan in the ‘90s at 9. Now it’s time to wake up and get back to work because Lite 95.7 is our “At Work Station.” I hate Mondays.
There’s some bad news for all those Sound supporters who came out of the woodwork: Nothing is going to change. Thanks for all your letters, but where were all you people before? Give your flowers to the living, why don’t you? Too late.

“Well, I did,” pipes in local radiohead Sheena Millar. She was so pissed when her favourite radio station died that she wrote a letter to the station’s head office, Harvard Broadcasting. It expresses deep disappointment in losing “one of the most original radio stations this city had” and ends with a plea to “reconsider.” Never happen. The switch was a “business decision,” which always sounds lame until you realize how many people’s livelihoods depend on business decisions. The Sound wasn’t getting big money for ads (with a sad 0.8 rating), and something had to be done or a lot of people might’ve lost their jobs. That is, unless Harvard had been willing to invest a little more money and a little more time for cool radio in Edmonton. But they obviously weren’t. So when EZ Rock flipped to Virgin, there was a hole in the Edmonton light rock market – which is where the light rock market should be, frankly – and Harvard rushed to fill it. Done deal. Plus they still have this weird thing in their license that says they have to play a certain percentage of blues and/or jazz. Michael Buble is of course perfect: Fulfils genre, Lite Rock mandate and Canadian content in one maudlin burst of schwing.
We reached what we hoped would be a disgruntled former Sound announcer who was “let go” after the switch. The person didn’t sound angry: “I was shocked. I thought they would’ve given it more time. But I understand. It was a business decision. Shit happens.”
Millar knows Harvard won’t budge, but she hopes that maybe one of the other stations will get inspired by the outrage of her and other former Sound Supporters – whom she describes as people who WANT to listen to commercial radio but generally don’t because there’s usually nothing good on (same can be said for TV) – and “pick up the ball.” She agrees that a radio station can be more than a mere jukebox, that it can turn into a more personal relationship. When one gets into the zen of listening for long periods of time, while studying, say, or making out, a good radio station can to take on a parental, almost God-like role: They’re talking to YOU. They’re picking music they think YOU would like. They’re playing songs YOU lost your virginity to.
Millar joined a new Facebook group: Edmonton Needs a Decent Radio Station.  It’ll have to be one we already have. The Edmonton radio dial is full. No more new stations, for now.
I listened to about two hours of the new Lite 95.7 morning show the other day with the husband-and-wife tag team of Jamie and Dan, and it wasn’t COMPLETELY horrible. The hosts were charming and mildly witty in the manner of mid-morning talk shows. They played Tainted Love, talked about how Jamie doesn’t like moustaches and then made a bit of fun of Matthew McConaughey. She loves him. He doesn’t. Oh, the matrimonial hilarity we’re in for! They played The Climb by Miley Cyrus, after which Jamie noted that the song is inspirational to people going through “stuff.” They gave a plug for Lite 95.7’s “secret santas,” who had been roaming around town giving away money during the audio lobotomy process over the weekend (72 hours of Christmas music). Then they played Daughters by John Mayer. That song gets me misty every time. They played Taylor Swift and LeAnn Rimes and Michael Jackson, then some old-time swing ballad I’ve heard a million times before. They played Shania Twain. As the morning show drifted off, they played a non-stop block of 95.7 minutes of something. I’m just going to go ahead and call it “SHIT,” OK?
Pass the pillow.
(In addition to CKUA and CBC and CJSR, the Chief would probably listen to Edmonton’s aboriginal station CFWE 98.5 FM, too. Great station. Very interesting. We’ll get to them on another date.)


Why Daylight saving time?

Well, at this time of the year time changes! In Europa clocks changed last Sunday March 27 (almost in all countries!

Daylight saving time (DST) is the practice of temporarily advancing clocks during the summertime so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. 

"Most areas of North America and Europe observe daylight saving time (DST), while most areas of Africa and Asia do not. South America is mixed, with most countries in the warmer north of the continent near the equator not observing DST, while ChileParaguay, andUruguay and southern parts of Brazil do. Oceania is also mixed, with New Zealand and parts of southern Australia observing DST, while most other areas do not". Read more on Wikipedia

Why do we have Daylight Saving Time? In the CBS video below, we can watch  an animated explanation for moving our clocks forward and backward in the spring and fall.

Mitch Butler and Josh Landis of "The Fast Draw" team provide an animated explanation for moving our clocks forward and backward in the spring and fall.


This interesting video provides a good explanation of the rationale for Daylight Saving Time. And students will understand the reasons of DST.

Interesting links to complete this theme in the classroom: 

Like the clouds, an interactive website about DST that students might use to develope tech skills, picking the clouds one by one to learn about Day Light Save, when, why, where. There are some good itens to enlarge knowledge like the History, Controversy (amazing guidelines) or Anecdotes (funny)

Students might learn when DST happens in the different countries around the world - Geography curriculum

Similar to the previous link but students might learn about DST in Portuguese, English and Spanish - Languages curricula

Kids are always very curious to understand why 'things' happen! Here a good way to let them learn about Day Light Saving.

"Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!' ..."

The Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®

Credits: video CBS