Mario Laginha/ Jazz musician (Portugal)
On Friday night, March 4, 2011, i went to Casa da Musica to listen Mario Laginha Trio presenting the new album named 'Mongrel Chopin'.
Mario Laginha admits that the way he has been inspired and transformed the music of Polish composer is an 'heresy' that 'exudes respect' for Chopin.
Eight themes of Chopin inspired Mario Laginha in the creation o 'Mongrel Chopin' between 'Study op.10 nr11', 'Ballad op.23', Waltz op.34 nr2 or Scherzo op.31 nr2.
Mongrel Chopin/ Mario Laginha Trio
It's true! The pieces played exuded completely an intimate and deep respect for Frédéric Chopin. Only a 'connaisseur' of classical music could transform with such a gifted talent the music of Chopin.
Mario Laginha did classical studies in the Conservatorio de Musica of Lisbon with the highest honours.
Mario Laginha, classical composer, but most of all jazz composer, is a fantastic pianist, and he is one of jazz music’s leading lights, at the moment in Portugal. He has been distinguished with several awards for his talented work.
Piano masterpieces of Fryderyk Chopin, reinvented by Mario Laginha are included on his new album 'Mongrel Chopin' (ONC, Produções Culturais, 2010) a project commissioned by the Metropolitana and Sao Luis Theater (Lisbon) to participate in the tribute of the '200th Anniversary of Chopin's Birthday', during the Chopin Year Celebration (2010)
He started the performance with 'Nocturne op.48 nr.1' in which he built a wonderful melody at the piano sorrounded smoothly by the drums and bass.
With Mario Laginha on piano, Bernardo Moreira on double bass and Alexandre Frazão on drums, two well known and good musicians.
Bernardo Moreira (double bass)
There’s something magical to watching Mario Laginha play the piano! He is an amazing player on this beautiful instrument. His 'touch' ranging from a silky smooth melody to a intimate that remember me so much Chopin masterpieces. He is a gifted musician and owner of an increadible sensibility. At the same time is so humble. Like a great heart!
The audience was so touched, that coudn't interrupt with applause, as it is usual in the jazz concerts. The spirit of Chopin was there!
Mario Laginha said that he left space for improvisation looking to approximate the music of Chopin 'of his musical universe'.
'Improvisation was also a mark of Chopin', said Laginha and he classified Fryderich Chopin as 'one of the greatest improvisers of all time.'
Mario Laginha Trio/ Cine Teatro Loulé
Mario Laginha Trio played 'Fado' in the midle of the concert and 'Nocturne op.48 nr1 as an encore.
This was a performance in which an encore was needed as relief of Mario Laginha trio talent and sympathy.
It happens to be one of the Portuguese's greatest young jazz musician. The audience deeply applauded his talent! And his two other musicians!
The Mongrel Chopin of Mario Laginha Trio, last edited on November 22, 2010 was recently awarded "Best Album of the Year" by the 'Portuguese Society of Authors'.
You can listen the Fantasia op.49 on Facebook of Casa da Musica.
Mario Laginha and his trio brought at Casa da Musica Chopin's soul and some of his legendary piano masterpieces that they play poetically.
"How hard it is to 'fully' grasp the cosmos of this music! The entire Poland is here: her national drama,her everyday life, her feelings, the cult of beauty in a human being and the humanity, the noble and proud character of the country, her ponderings and songs."
«Tomei muitas liberdades. Mudei compassos, tempos, modifiquei algumas harmonias, até mesmo melodias»
Mario Laginha
(because it's weekend time!)
Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®
Video on YouTube: The photos of the video are by Zeev Parush. You can see his work at
Video on YouTube: The photos of the video are by Zeev Parush. You can see his work at
The video was made with the single purpose of letting more people know about the work of the musicians, photographer and artists, whose works are shown.
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