TEDxKids Brussels 2011 live

Today, the big day! June 1st! TEDxKids 2011 in Brussels! From 9:00 to 17:00 (CET). Two events in one!

48 kids, all of them born in 2000, are going to get their hands dirty, soldering, tinkering, hacking and composing. 

A series of hands-on workshops will introduce the kids to a range of skills and methods. 


The program for the 48 students who will be in the kid's event looks awesome as you can see.

A series of hands-on workshops will introduce the kids to a range of skills and methods. 

At the same time 400 adults will be treated to an all day program of leading thinkers, experts and makers. 

They'll get regular updates on the workshops from some leading child psychologists throughout the day.

Maker Kids?

The future aims of primary education could be a rich mix of learning by doing, hacking the physical world and taking direct control of the technologies around us. 

Kids could use this knowledge to be more connected to each other and the wider world. 

TEDxKids Brussels 2011 wants to give kids the tools to directly influence the physical and social ecosphere in the hope that this creates freedom and empowerment for the future.

Watch the full list of speakers, makers, tinkerers, child therapist and others here

The event will be livestream here


The Learning Agency Network with a good team of educators is streaming the event live as the official partner of TEDxKids and is managing the Social Media activities including the backchannel moderation.

"We are protocolling all the important activities, statements and tweets around TEDxKids Brussels 2011." 

We will be sharing what is happening at the event, the discussions of the program and children's  experiencies with their facilitators.   

Truly a life altering experiencing for all!  Follow us directly on twitter at @TedxKidsEU.  

We are also on site and are asking your questions to the speakers! You can participate by using the hashtag #tedxkids in Twitter!

"We need to evolve a new appreciation of the importance of nurturing human talent along with an understanding of how talent expresses itself differently in every individual. We need to create environments - in our schools (...) where evert kid is inspired to grow creatively. 

Finding our passion changes everything!"

Sir Ken Robinson*


June, 1st 2011
Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Credits: video TEDxKids Brussels


*Ken Robinson, The Element, 2009
(text adaptation)


The forest moon of Endor is soon to be a thing of the past.  Unfortunately the economic crisis facing the United States and the budget crisis facing the State of California, has led California to make some difficult budget choices.  Included in these budget choices is to cut funding to about 25% of the parks in the state park system.  This will lead to the closure of a number of state parks including the Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park, known to Star Wars fans everywhere as Endor.

The Los Angeles Times business section has a very interesting article about the angst that is filling Hollywood over the potential for all these state park closures, as the film and television industry uses many state parks as filming locations.

From the LA Times Article:
“This is going to be very problematic for location managers," said Veronique Vowell, chairwoman of the government affairs committee for the Location Managers Guild of America. “The parks are hugely important to us. They are relatively low-cost, ready-made back lots that can represent all different places around the country. You’ve got deserts to alpine forests and beaches.”
Vowell said that once parks close, it is not clear whether filmmakers will still have access to the locations, how they would secure permits to shoot, and how well maintained the sites would be.
Parks remain hugely popular for filming. In 2009, nearly 500 permits were issued for nearly 1,000 days of shooting in state parks for such productions as “Iron Man 2” and “I Love You, Man.”

Return of the Jedi showcases one of the most lush and beautiful forests you will ever see, and the speeder bike chase is one of the most memorable scenes in the Star Wars saga.  Time is growing short, but perhaps some last ditch effort by the television and film industry to offer to help bridge the State's funding gap for the Parks system can keep these beautiful park open and preserve this tremendous asset to the television and film industry.  It seems to me that helping provide funding for the state park system would be a worthy investment for the television and film industry and much cheaper in the long run to ensure them with well maintained outdoors sets for their productions.

For more information on Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park visit the State Park Website.


Review: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron Allson


The seventh of nine books in the Fate of the Jedi series, Conviction by Aaron Allston brings the funny in what is a book jam packed with sub-plots and characters. 

Allston did yeoman's work in this book, not only did he tell a good story but he advanced  almost all of the plot lines that have been previously established in this series.  For those who may have missed a book or two in the series, here is my quick and dirty list of what I would say are the major sub-plots running through Fate of the Jedi.
  1. Luke and Ben's Quest
  2. CoS Daala
  3. Jedi Order on Coruscant
  4. Tahiri's Trial
  5. News Media
  6. Slave Uprisings
  7. Allana Solo
  8. Lecersen-Treen Conspiracy
  9. Crazy Jedi
  10. Abeloth
  11. Lost Tribe of the Sith
Now clearly many of these sub-plots overlap, but it speaks to Allston's skill as an author that he is able to keep all these moving parts together in the flow of a book without it feeling disjointed.  There is a particularly deft way that we see the news media storyline transitioned to a new reporter and the plot interacts with Luke and Ben instead of with the Slave Uprisings.  The best analogy I can think of in terms of this book is like a symphony, there are a lot of instruments playing in the symphony and if they play the right notes together it sounds wonderful, if they do not hit the right notes or play them in the right order it can sound dreadful. 

If you are a fan of Allston's previous work such as the X-Wing series then you should certainly like this book, the caveat being that it is a much more "grounded" book in that there isn't a lot of action taking place in space which is one of the things that Allston handles really well.  If you haven't started reading the FotJ series yet, do not start here, there is too much going on by this book to just jump in.  Start from the beginning its worth it. 

Keep reading below for my Spoiler-filled thoughts on the book.


Dramatis Personae

Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master (human male)
Ben Skywalker; Jedi Knight (human male)
Vestara Khai; Sith apprentice (human female)
Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)
Han Solo; pilot (human male)
Allana Solo; child (human female)
Tahiri Veila; defendant (human female)
Natasi Daala; Chief of State, Galactic Alliance (human female)
Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)
Wynn Dorvan; government aide (human male)
Valin Horn; Jedi Knight (human male)
Jysella Horn; Jedi Knight (human female)
Corran Horn; Jedi Master (human male)
Drikl Lecersen; Moff (human male)
Haydnat Treen; Senator (human female)
Seha Dorvald; Jedi Knight (human female)

As discussed above, I see FotJ breaking down into a number of sub-plots, (1) Luke and Ben's Quest, (2)CoS Daala, (3) Jedi Order on Coruscant, (4) Tahiri's Trial, (5) News Media, (6) Slave Uprisings, (7) Allana Solo, (8) Lecersen-Treen Conspiracy, (9) Crazy Jedi, (10) Abeloth, (11) Lost Tribe of the Sith.  I am going to briefly touch upon each of these sub-plots as a way of discussing what I enjoyed and didn't enjoy in Conviction. 

(1) Luke and Ben's Quest:

Unabashedly my favorite thing in the entire FotJ series is the interaction between Luke and Ben.  There is a sense of closeness, humor, love and understanding in their relationship that really comes through in their interaction.  It is a stark contrast too were the two began in the Legacy of the Force series to this series, but it makes logical sense based on their shared tragedies and experiences. 

The quest that the two are on has certainly transformed from retracing Jacen Solo's sojourn to hunting Abeloth, but to me that is fine as long as I get to keep reading Luke-Ben interaction, they could be picking tomatoes for all I care. 

A couple things that I am not sure about is how the Dathomiri Blood Trail became Luke's go to Force move, we see him using it again in this book.   I also wonder about the portrayal of Luke in this book, the way he is plotting and planning when events unfold it seems like he is coming off as almost all knowing in this series. 

I will say I was not expecting a return to Nam Chorios in this series.  This was an incredible way to integrate previous EU material and provide excellent closure for the Luke/Callista relationship.  Force Storms, Theran Listeners, Taselda, Tsils, and drochs, what a fun ride this was.  

(2) CoS Daala:

So maybe many fans were right and Daala was a horrible choice as a character to use for CoS at the end of the Legacy series heading into this series.  I thoroughly dislike her and her characterization seems a little inconsistent.  I can't tell if I am suppose to believe she is a little unhinged evil or if she really believes she is doing good and is just using the ends to justify the means. 

The worst kept secret of all is that Daala was going to be removed from office, thought he way they handled it was interesting.  I wasn't expecting the conspiracy and Jedi Order to end up working together, unknowingly on the Jedi's hand. 

I really enjoyed the Daala in prison scenes, especially the verbal fencing that she did with Tahiri.

Of course one of the big developments in the book that people are talking about is Boba FettDaala's close relationship with Fett and her use of Mandalorians as a group that she could trust this made sense for who she would hire to help get her out.  I just hope that they don't make Fett and/or the Mandalorians into Daala's lapdogs. 

(3) Jedi Order on Coruscant

Between internal strife, crazy Jedi, sieges and a couple leadership transitions, the Jedi Order has seen better days.  Now one would think that Jedi Master's would be able to sense the deception and ulterior motives of Senator Treen and General Jaxton.  The cool thing is that the temporary GA ruling Triumvirate is making me feel like we are in ancient Rome. 

I like the fact that we are getting away from the dangerously close to the Dark side Corran Horn, but sadly it appears that Abeloth's spell wasn't broken over the Horn-pops (Horn kids frozen in Carbonite). It is also nice to see Master Sebatyne hissing less when she talks (I'm looking at you Troy Denning).

I would be remiss if I didn't mention Jedi Knight Seha Dorvald, or as I like to call her, Ben's potential love interest #1, with Vestara being BPLI #2.  Seha was a bit character introduced in LotF as a young Jedi spying for Jacen Solo/Caedus who helped Ben run away from the Temple to Ziost were he finds Ship.  Seha is only 4-5 years older then Ben and with the red hair, you have to wonder if her character is being kept active for possible future romantic entanglements.

(4) Tahiri's Trial

I suppose we could all see this one coming a mile away.  I enjoyed the prison scenes much more then the courtroom scenes with Tahiri.  She is one of my favorite characters, so I am certainly happy that she has lived to fight another day.  It has me wondering what her next move is going to be though.  

(5) News Media

Kandra Nilitz is the reporter featured in this book, the character isn't particularly memorable and is more of a plot device to get Valin and Jysella Horn off Coruscant and later aid Luke, Ben and Vestara.  She is no Madhi Vaandt.

(6) Slave Uprisings

I love Klatooine.  It's Scooby Doo in space, ok not really, but I still like alien Space-Dog-People.  This was one of the stronger sub-plots in the book because it revolved around Leia, Han and Allana and later brought in Tenel Ka.  The dramatic tension of whether or not Tenel, Allana, or even C-3P0 would die actually had me worried that someone was going to bite the dust in this one.  

(7) Allana Solo

So the whole Allana becomes Amelia and is a war orphan thing, has a bit of the Clark Kent/Superman how stupid is Metropolis feel to it.  At least the Lost Tribe figured this out pretty quickly.  We will see if this potential revelation and the search for the Jedi Queen  will play a larger role in the conclusion of this series or is merely carrying water for a future set of novels. 

What I appreciate most about Allston and some of the other authors in this series is that we are taking time to develop Allana as a character.  Slowly building her up and ingratiating her with the audience.  It will be interesting to see how big of a role Allana will play in the EU going forward as it seems like she will become one of the key figures when she is an adult.

(8) Lecersen-Treen Conspiracy

 If I had the time and money I would so be in the 501st Legion, so I love the fact that Allston is using Cosplay in his book.  It is a subtle yet awesome tip of the hat to fans in my opinion.  I am glad that the ground work for the conspiracy that was laid early in the series is seeing some payoff.  I was a bit worried because it was briefly touched upon and then ignored for so long. 

(9) Crazy Jedi

I am all set with crazy Jedi. Though I am really curious about how the Valin/Jysella story was wrapped up off stage in this book.  I am going to have to re-read it and try to digest this one again.  

(10) Abeloth

Tip to the Sith, supremely powerful, extremely tough to kill ancient evil creature wants to come over for dinner, do not let her in.  I don't like the Abeloth character in general, but I liked her better in this book.  Frankly I just want her to get killed off as I am more interested in the LTotS.  

(11) Lost Tribe of the Sith

The next book in the series Ascension should be fun as Abeloth is coming to Kesh and it looks like all heck is about to break loose. I am really enjoying the LTotS as its a fairly original take on the go to bad guy of the Star Wars universe.  Hopefully the Sith put up more of a fight then the Theran Listeners did.


Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron Allston made me remember Planet of Twilight and Callista Ming very fondly in this book.  A great performance by a writer for a book that with so many moving parts could have been a real train wreck.  I give Conviction 8 out of 10. 

In closing, the quote of the book:

"Join me, Han, and we can rule the galaxy as wife and husband."~Leia Organa Solo


FHM Says Horribly Ignorant Things About Andrej Pejic- I Am Disgusted. UPDATE

Barnes & Noble and Borders stores south of the border are censoring the latest cover of Dossier Journal featuring androgynous male model Andrej Pejic. 

This is a screenshot because someone at FHM clued in to how offensive this was/is and removed the original post.

"'Thing’ is quite accurate.” 
"Pass the sick bucket.” 
"More troubling..."
"One trend we won't be following."


Besides this just being downright juvenile, it’s incredibly inaccurate to compare the male-identified Pejic with the female-identified Lea T. While he plays around with androgyny, Pejic has never expressed any desire to actually become a woman, whereas Lea T felt she was born the wrong sex and took steps to remedy the situation. I’d say this is pure homophobia and transphobia, but Pejic has not publicly identified himself as either gay nor transgender. From what I can gather, they simply can’t handle the fact that he’s different and does not appear to be that which "they" believe a MAN should represent (cue football throwing, beer guzzling and steroid use.) A sadly familiar scenario that triggers many a schoolyard bully to ruin some poor kid’s life and now children are dying because of it.

Shouldn’t we know better than to propagate this shit?

I am just going to sit here and stare unbelievably at this for a moment.

I received an email from Newsy who supplied me with a great video that also illustrates how others are reacting to this. So far, I have not seen any articles interviewing Andrej himself.

"I read your post “FHM Says Horribly Ignorant Things About Andrej Pejic – I Am Disgusted” where you provide your reaction to the slanderous comments made on FHM’s website.  You summed it up perfectly when you said that they simply can’t handle the fact that Andrej is different.  I appreciate that you compared these comments to schoolyard bullying, because that is essentially what they are.  Recently Newsy.com produced a video about the FHM’s comments and Andrej’s Dossier cover:

It provides a lot of contextual information about Andrej and the controversy surrounding him and his androgynous style. I think the video compliments your post well, and I hope you will consider embedding it into your 'In the War Between' blog post.  Traditional news outlets often overlook LGBTQ issues.  It is important to present these stories to the public and shed light on ignorance.  Blogs like yours do an excellent job providing the public with the news they need."

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

In Response to Jackie's Hockey Post...

(Since I can not comment on your blog personally, for obvious reasons, I chose this method because I believe that your blog post is an important topic and deserves to be discussed.)


"I really don’t get this whole “is Vancouver Canada’s team?” debate. I’m quite sure that this has nothing to do with hockey, whatsoever. People have pointed out that it is a result of envy of our city and the ongoing debate of whose city is the best to live in. Who gives a shit? This kind of crap does nothing to promote the sport within our own country and dare I say it, this behaviour is very un-Canadian. Canada only has 6 teams, with a possible 7th with the return of the Jets. I would think that from year to year, the odds of a Canadian team making it to the Stanley Cup finals is pretty low, so if people want the cup back in Canada, they had better get the hell on board, because who knows when it will happen again. This past season looked like this for Canadian teams:

Eastern Division:
6th – Montreal
10th – Toronto
13th – Ottawa
Western Division:
1st - Vancouver
10th – Calgary
15th – Edmonton

The way I see it, if Montreal can avoid the plague of injuries they suffered in this last season and acquire some more firepower for their forward line, they have a good chance of doing very well next year. The remaining teams, especially Edmonton, will likely be going into a season or two of re-building, unless a miracle happens. Edmonton has had “lunch-bucket” teams come out of nowhere, in the past, but the conditions must be perfect. If Vancouver can keep their roster intact after this season…there will no-doubt be some salary negotiating going on regardless of the outcome of the final…they may just ride this wave into next season, but things aren’t the way they used to be. It now seems to be a rarity for teams to repeat greatness in consecutive seasons. So, Canucks fans soak it up and enjoy it, because it may be another 17 years before this happens again. And, the rest of Canada, I’ve travelled all across this amazing county of ours and I can honestly say that, yes, Vancouver is the most beautiful city in Canada, which is why everyone on this planet seems to be immigrating here. But we do LOVE hockey and we do LOVE Canada, so hop aboard or shut up about it. You’re embarrassing yourselves ;-)"


The roster shows 22 Canadian players on the Bruins, compared to only 16 for the Canucks, is that correct? Last I heard, Edmonton Oilers actually had the most Canadian players of any team in the NHL, so should we not be cheering for them if the motivation is to "keep it Canadian"? I don't even know if keeping the cup in Canada would equate to keeping it Canadian at this point, but I have heard this argument often.

As for hopping aboard, would Sharks fans root for the Kings to keep it in California? Would a Jets fan start rooting for the Giants if their team was eliminated? Would Manchester United fans suddenly start rooting for Manchester City? Would the Raider fan abandon ship and become a Charger fan when their team started failing?
It would strike me as extremely band wagon-y to start rooting for a team you have riled against all season out of a desperation to keep another team from winning.
I just can't bring myself to root for the Canucks, and I'm from BC. I grew up sitting on the laps of the great Oilers (Gretzky included) and so they will always (even as they slowly draft-pick themselves into embarrassment) have a place in my heart. That said, I have grown an appreciation for Boston since Greg is such a fan and it is sweet that they have made it so far. Otherwise, I must say, I wouldn't be nearly as invested in the finals this year.

All of that aside, rivalry makes sports entertaining, but sometimes I feel people take the rivalry to the point of actual hatred and aggression, and that is disappointing. When the game is over, drop your swords... there are much better ways* to spend this glorious summer.

Hockey is Canada's sport. It would do us a huge disservice to have the Run for the Cup tear us apart.
xo Sheen



Janice Dickinson is Naked Again. Also, OHGODMYEYES.


Gaming to re-engage students in learning

At TEDxPSU, Ali Carr-Chellman pinpoints three reasons boys are tuning out of school in droves, and lays out her bold plan to re-engage them: bringing their culture into the classroom, with new rules that let boys be boys, and video games that teach as well as entertain.

Last year, March 2010, Jane McGonigal said during her presentation "Gaming can make a better world" on Talks | TED that if we play, the world could be a better place! And schools too!

There are educators that are introducing games on learning. A good number of them! Perhaps not so many as it would be suitable, but they are spreading the word in different learning web blogs, on Facebook or Twitter.

Playing is funny and students can learn with pleasure. As you could hear once more, this time from Ali carr-Chellman. The theme now is about boys in the school.

"Ali Carr-Chellman recent research projects include "Bring Back the Boys," looking at ways gaming can be used to re-engage boys in their elementary education. Another projects asks prisoners and homeless people to think about how to reform schools, bringing new voices to the policy-making table."

She is an instructional designer and author who studies the most effective ways to teach kids and to make changes at school.

She realized as I realized and other innovative educators realize that traditional elementary and secondary classrooms weren't  for them, even less for their students.

In part because we are frustrated by the lack of innovation, agility, and readiness to change in traditional schools. 

Please read my posts Digital Schools versus Digital Teachers (September 2009)  Ah! Les jeunes! (March 2010)  or Pince of Persia: an interesting narrative text and some other posts that you can search on this blog.  


This kind of lack of innovation in the school has motivated me some years ago to be an instructional tutor, author and educator, working on how to change and innovate within schools to make education work better for more kids. 

I've been working with doctoral-level students (school teachers) to help produce a next generation of educators with inspired research ideas and methods. 

I also teach online courses focused on helping practicing teachers learn how to improve their own instructional practices and how to improve their courses.

Field trips are often an integral part of instructional practices and greatly benefit students’ learning by allowing them to engage with real-world environments. 

"Technology becomes a tool that students use for learning essential skills and 'getting things done' "

Marc Prensky


Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Credits: video Talks | TEDX

Cover Preview: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension

Starwars.com has posted the back cover for the next book of the Fate of the Jedi series, Ascension by Christie Golden.  Along with the back cover they have also posted a blurb for the book that contains SPOILERS so read at your own risk.


How long can the Jedi remain in power?
How far will the Sith go to rule supreme?
What chance do both stand against Abeloth?

As Luke and Ben Skywalker pursue the formidable dark-side being Abeloth, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is about to be sundered by an even greater power -- which will thrust one Dark Lord into mortal conflict with his own flesh-and-blood.
On Coruscant, a political vacuum has left tensions at the boiling point, with factions racing to claim control of the Galactic Alliance. Suddenly surrounded by hidden agendas, treacherous conspiracies, and covert Sith agents, the Jedi Order must struggle to keep the GA government from collapsing into anarchy.
The Jedi are committed to maintaining peace and ensuring just rule, but even they are not prepared to take on the combined threats of Sith power, a deposed dictator bent on galaxywide vengeance, and an entity of pure cunning and profound evil hungry to become a god. 

My Thoughts:

Clearly the Jedi are going to have their hands full on Coruscant.  But the aspect of the blurb that fascinates me is; "As Luke and Ben Skywalker pursue the formidable dark-side being Abeloth, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is about to be sundered by an even greater power -- which will thrust one Dark Lord into mortal conflict with his own flesh-and-blood."

Clearly the Dark Lord in conflict with his flesh-and-blood will be Vestara in conflict with her father Gavar Khai.  The interesting this is what is the "greater power," the sentence structure implies that it was not Abeloth but some other force.  That make me immediately go to since we are dealing with Jedi/Sith, an extreme emotion, love, hate, greed.  The potential of love between Ben and Vestara is one option, but it would seem to be a rather quick romance.  The potential of hate or greed dividing the Lost Tribe amongst themselves seems possible, but how would this divide pit Gavar vs. Vestara?

In terms of the cover art, I am a sucker for Boba Fett and the Mandos so the back cover is playing to the choir at Lightsaber Rattling.  It also does make sense if Fett as an expanded role in fascilitating Daala's escape and move to warlord if he helps her set up or reconnect with her new power base.  I just hope they don't have Fett throw the support of the Mando's behind that nutter. 

The front cover which we have already seen is great color-wise and I like it overall, but I don't think the portrayal of Vestara has been consistent on the covers and that is my only real gripe.  She looks very different on the cover of Omen.  


Star Wars: The Clone Wars Wish List: Clone Captain Climber and Ion Squad

One of our friends in the Fan community, Knights Archive posted a review of James Luceno's book, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader.  A very good novel set in the aftermath of Revenge of the Sith and the infamous Order 66.

This got me thinking about an interesting group of Clones that I would love to see in The Clone Wars television program. 

For his book Luceno created a new group of Clones for his story that  haven't appeared in any other Star Wars material as far as I can tell. 

Clones Climber, Ras, Trace, and unnamed munitions expert of Ion Team/Squad, of the 22nd Air Combat Wing, GAR.

Neither Climber his squad or the Air Combat Wing they were apart of appear in any other Star Wars material according to the Wookieepedia. 

What is compelling an interesting about these characters is that they are a bit of a bad batch in terms of Clones.  They fail to follow through on Order 66 as part of a conscious decision to disobey the order and protect the Raon Shryne from being captured/executed.

The issue of Clones not following the company line or being different then the template has been touched upon previously in the series in episode such as Cut Lawquane in The Deserter (2.10) and 99 in Clone Cadets (3.1).

It would be a cool link to make between the EU and TCW, but without throwing a bomb into continuity because there is so little back story with Climber and Ion squad.  I also would love to see a the personality differences explored that would lead Clones to make the choice to act independently and ignore Order 66.

LINK: Knights Archive Review of Dark Lord

Philip Glass at Casa da Musica

On Wednesday night, May 25, 2011, I went to Casa da Musica to listen the American pianist Philip Glass to play 30 years of his music. He is one of most famous composers of the 20th century.

He studied with Ravi Shankar, the greatest Indian musician of the 20th century
Soundtracks like "The Hours", "The Illusionist", and others are in our best memories.

The Guilhermina Suggia hall was complete. Even the space chorus was open and all the seats occupied. 

Five themes and two encore from about 30 years was perfomed during 90 minutes without any interruption.  In an very intimate concert. 

Glass played Six Études (1994-1999), Mad Rush (1980), Metamorphoses (1989), Dreaming Awake (2006), Wichita Vortex Sutra (1990). He came back on the stage and offered two encore.

Philip Glass
Photo: Steve Pyke

The audience wedeeply applauded his talent! The contemporary minimalist composer was grateful. And we were deeply touched by his art! And his simplicity!


Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

(in a pleasant Sunday afternoon)

Credits: video RTP

I Am Now the Girl Who is Dating That Guy With the Epic Mustache.

Damn it.

Saturday in the City...

After waking at 6am for no reason at all, I wrote a to-do list for the day and smiled:

-> Have Amber pick you up
-> Get coffees
-> Old Strathcona Farmer's Market
-> 104th Street Farmer's Market
-> Get Fat Frank's
-> Meet Leslie for coffee
-> Wish you had a nap before the stagette tonight

A new pub on Whyte Ave. Jesus Christ, Guys.

Our friends Feast of Famine busking their last market show before the tour.

Food in the City: Launch of Edmonton's Food and Agriculture Policy Project

This dog was badass.  Wore those sunglasses and hat like a boss...

... and stood up to be worshiped. The feather says it all.

"Buy some bread and 100 Mile House's new album..." Awesome.