Star Wars Books Facebook Chat with Editor Shelly Shapiro: May 19th

Attention Star Wars fans, if you are on Facebook you have the opportunity to interact and ask questions of Del Rey Editor Shelly Shapiro on Thursday May 19th at 3PM EST on Del Rey's Star Wars Books Facebook Page. 

Our next Facebook chat is Thursday, May 19, at 3:00pm (Eastern time) and will feature our own editor at large, Shelly Shapiro. Shelly is responsible for the Del Rey line of Star Wars novels. A perfect chance for you to ask about current, older, and upcoming Star Wars books. (ES)

Del Rey does a terrific job interacting with fans on Facebook, including hosting chats with authors, holding giveaway contests and sneak peaks at future books.  I hope to see you all on Facebook a week from Thursday. 

For your reading pleasure a fun little post by Ms. Shapiro on Suvudu.  The Cubicle at the End of the Universe.