Star Wars Live-Action Series Update 5/25/11: "It sits on the shelf."

George Lucas appeared on G4TV's program Attack of the Show to promote the Disney Star Tours re-launch and The Phantom Menace 3-D release, but the host also asked him about the currently on hold Live-Action Series.

This is what George had to say:

"It sits on the shelf. We have 50 hours and we are just waiting to figure out a different way to make movies a different technology that we can use, so that it is economically feasible to shoot the show.  Right now it looks like the Star Wars features but we have to figure out a way to make it for about 1/10 of the cost because it's television. And we are working toward that and we are continuing to work toward that.  We will get there at some point. But it is just a very difficult process, and obviously when we do figure this problem out, it will dramatically effect alot of movies, because a lot of movies, features now that are costing $150-200 million dollars will suddenly be able to make them for $50-60 million dollars."

George Lucas' September 2010 Comments Regarding the Series:

SOURCE: G4TV's Attack of the Show