TEDxKids Brussels 2011 live

Today, the big day! June 1st! TEDxKids 2011 in Brussels! From 9:00 to 17:00 (CET). Two events in one!

48 kids, all of them born in 2000, are going to get their hands dirty, soldering, tinkering, hacking and composing. 

A series of hands-on workshops will introduce the kids to a range of skills and methods. 


The program for the 48 students who will be in the kid's event looks awesome as you can see.

A series of hands-on workshops will introduce the kids to a range of skills and methods. 

At the same time 400 adults will be treated to an all day program of leading thinkers, experts and makers. 

They'll get regular updates on the workshops from some leading child psychologists throughout the day.

Maker Kids?

The future aims of primary education could be a rich mix of learning by doing, hacking the physical world and taking direct control of the technologies around us. 

Kids could use this knowledge to be more connected to each other and the wider world. 

TEDxKids Brussels 2011 wants to give kids the tools to directly influence the physical and social ecosphere in the hope that this creates freedom and empowerment for the future.

Watch the full list of speakers, makers, tinkerers, child therapist and others here

The event will be livestream here


The Learning Agency Network with a good team of educators is streaming the event live as the official partner of TEDxKids and is managing the Social Media activities including the backchannel moderation.

"We are protocolling all the important activities, statements and tweets around TEDxKids Brussels 2011." 

We will be sharing what is happening at the event, the discussions of the program and children's  experiencies with their facilitators.   

Truly a life altering experiencing for all!  Follow us directly on twitter at @TedxKidsEU.  

We are also on site and are asking your questions to the speakers! You can participate by using the hashtag #tedxkids in Twitter!

"We need to evolve a new appreciation of the importance of nurturing human talent along with an understanding of how talent expresses itself differently in every individual. We need to create environments - in our schools (...) where evert kid is inspired to grow creatively. 

Finding our passion changes everything!"

Sir Ken Robinson*


June, 1st 2011
Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Credits: video TEDxKids Brussels


*Ken Robinson, The Element, 2009
(text adaptation)