May 9: Europe Day 2011

Europe Day commemorates 9 May 1950, when the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented his proposal on the creation of an organised Europe, to help maintain peaceful relations between European countries. This proposal, known as the 'Schuman declaration', is considered to be the act that created what is now the European Union.
Each year's Europe Day has a different theme. The theme for 2011 is "Know Your Rights, Use Your Rights"

Portugal: European Day

Portugal is in the EU since 1986. 

Over the past 3 000 years, Portugal has witnessed a constant ebb and flow of civilisations. Phoenician, Greek, Celt, Carthaginian, Roman and Arabic cultures have all left their imprint. 

In the 15th century, Portugal’s intrepid maritime explorers led by Vasco da Gama discovered new territories, leading to the accumulation of an overseas empire. 

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Photo: Daniela Liceia

The University of Coimbra, established in 1290, is one of the oldest in Europe." 

Within the framework of the European year for volunteering, special attention will be given to the European and national volunteering programmes and to the role played by volunteers and volunteering in favor of the actions developed by CSOs to communicate and promote the European project and bridging the gap between citizens and the European institutions. 


You could use "Europe Day"  and "European Year of Volunteering" at school.

Let the students explore both themes and debate the meaning of Solidarity between all European countries!

"The European Union is at the service of its citizens. While keeping their own specific values, customs and language, European citizens should feel at ease in the "European home".

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9th of May 2011: Europe Day

Members States of the EU: Portugal

What is Europe Day

The EU at a glance