Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education

Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education from sam seidel on Vimeo.

The video illustrates literally the concept of "Hip Hop Genius". These ideas are explored more fully in the book, "Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education"  by Sam Seidel (hiphopgenius.org)


There is a great analogy between creativity of hip hop and the need to 'remix' education.

The message on this video is about changing education to maximize learners potencial and to respect them not as 'consummers' but as 'creators'. 

The educators' new 'attitude' doesn't mean change the important or some good aspects of improving skills learning. 

It means to motivate learners that speak a different language, opening the door of the classsroms to build new understanding plataforms between school and young people's interests and ingenuity. 

Students are brilliant creators if educators can reach their confidence. 

"The best resources teachers can take into the classroom are their own minds."

Steve Wheeler

If we have a creative and open mind, as educators, we can feel students' brilliance and genius.

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

via Sir Ken Robinson

Credits: video Sam Seidel
The drawings were done by Mike McCarthy, a student at College Unbound, a school that exemplifies many of the values espoused in the film. 

The entire video was shot in College Unbound's seminar space, where Mike has built a studio for his company Drawn Along.

The end sequence was shot by Graham Wheeler, a recent graduate of the East Bay Met, a high school that also embodies many of the principles of Hip Hop Genius. Graham and Mike edited the whole video as well.

The beat at the end was made by DJ Tek, who worked with me at the AS220 Broad Street Studio.