Gotta Share! The importance of creativity

A musical breaks out at the GEL Conference in New York, last April. A speaker is suddenly interrupted by a man who refuses to turn off his cell phone. This is the fourth in our series of Spontaneous Musical projects.

Mark Hurst

"I’ve been involved with the Gel Conference since speaking there in 2005. Gel is an annual conference exploring good experience in all its forms – in art, business, technology, society, and life. There are always fabulous speakers, and it’s always a great time. This year, I asked founder Mark Hurst if he’d be open to Improv Everywhere staging a surprise musical at Gel. He immediately agreed."

Charlie Todd


Watch the making off here. It's fun and very interesting.

Are you a creative educator? Do you have creative students?

So, why not a making off of some innovative ideas in a cross-curricula in your school? 

Do it! Your students will love taking part at a different way to present some thematic subjects.

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." 

Gerges Bernard Shaw

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Credits: video Improve Everywhere
via The Don Tapscott Innovators Daily