Al Gore: Our Choice a digital book

Mike Matas & Kimon Tsinteris (Push-Press engeneers)

"I am so thrilled that Our Choice has come to life on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch" (...) "Readers can now learn about the solutions to the climate crisis using some of the most visually compelling and interactive technology available."

Al Gore 

Al Gore, the former vice president’s production company Melcher Media approached Mike Matas in September 2009 to create an app version of Our Choice

Gore wanted his book app to contain videos, diagrams and other forms of multimedia that would flex on iPad, iPhone and iPod.

Gore’s book, which lives in the App Store since April 28, is in part a demonstration of the capabilities of Push Pop Press, (San Francisco, USA) Mike Matas & Kimon Tsinteris new company. They were Apple formal engeneers. 

"It’s a bit like walking through a digital museum. When you first launch the app, you see a cover of a 3-D animation of a spinning globe with the title superimposed over it. Tapping into the intro plays a video of Gore introducing the book’s topic."


Watch Gore’s tour of his book produced with Push Pop Press in the video below

Al Gore's Our Choice Guided Tour from Push Pop Press on Vimeo.

"I'm excited to announce my new app, Our Choice is going on sale today. It is a fully interactive full-length book App that describes all of the solutions to the climate crisis with animations, interactive info-graphics, pictures, audio, text, an hour of documentary video and more. I am donating 100% of the proceeds I would otherwise receive to the Alliance for Climate Protection."

Al Gore, April 28 2011


A rich app to motivate the students for Climate in Sciences, Geography, Civics classrooms!

It's impossible not to share such a wonderful interactive book! I would like to have this type of e-textbook in my classroom. And of course my students too. 

"It is now abundantly clear that we have at our fingertips all of the tools we need to solve the climate crisis. The only missing ingredient is collective will."

Al Gore

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Al Gore

Our Choice

Wired/ Gadget Lab