Sensewall at Coimbra University campus

Sensewall University of Coimbra/ Portugal

This is the latest multi-touch installation by SenseBloom. It’s located in the campus bar, free access, at the Computer Science Department of Coimbra University, Portugal.

SenseWall is unique in Portugal. It is a Laser Light Plane (LLP) multi-touch wall with a display area of 2.8m x 1.05m. 

Created with the intent of letting students and the research community explore new concepts in HCI by designing and creating applications for course projects or just for fun.

SenseWall from Tiago Serra on Vimeo.

"We called it SenseWall because we wanted to create a platform that would have more senses than solely touch. So we added 2 cameras above the display for computer vision applications, a microphone for sound input, speakers for sound output and an RFID reader."

Tiago Serra (student)

Miguel Antunes, Tiago Serra e Tony Gonçalves (students)
Mário Zenha (coordinator)

The project has been developed for three years by three students coordinated by Prof. Mario Zenha. 
Some results: TOUCHBLOOM – a “multi touch” transportable, created for Microsoft Portugal that used it on Windows 7 demonstration, and PUDDLE OF LIFE, an interactive game that it is at the Science Museum of Universidade de Coimbra.

Puddle of Life - Darwin Exhibit from Tiago Serra on Vimeo.

"Puddle of Life" is an educational multi-touch installation that was designed for Coimbra's Science Museum (Darwin exhibit), demonstrating the theory of natural selection, as part of Darwin's 200th anniversary.

The installation is composed of a round multi-touch table whose surface represents a virtual environment where 4 species of creatures live in. Each of these little creatures have different physical characteristics visually expressed by it's quantity and/or size: Vision, Locomotion and Fur. Read more

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Senseblom : Tiago Serra
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