It Can Wait!

AT&T is taking the lead on texting-and-driving prevention with this 11-minute documentary on the topic, intended to reach consumers before New Year’s Eve.
The document, called The Last Text, features stories about people whose lives were adversely affected by texting behind the wheel, including the parents of Mariah West, who died after texting “Where u at?” to a friend.

AT&T's Txtng & Drivng Campaign Urges Consumers That 'It Can Wait'. This video featuring families affected by texting while behind the wheel is being distributed to educators, government officials, safety organizations and public as part of a educational awareness campaign.

AT&T was distributing the film to schools, safety organizations and government agencies and on its YouTube channel. The doc is part of AT&T’s “It Can Wait” TV, print and online campaign, which the company introduced in March. Part of that campaign includes a Facebook app where friends can take a pledge not to text and drive. 

Go on Facebook and pledge not to text and drive. For your friend, your older sister, your older brother. Don't give up!

Texting behind the wheel appears to be a growing problem among young people.

Don't text while you're driving! Remember! It Can Wait!

This campaign is rolling in the United States, but it could rolling on my country ... or yours!

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References: AT&T Documentary Takes on Texting-While-Driving