In advance of the 11 city theatrical Premier of Savage Opress, the official site has released a one-sheet poster that will be given away in limited quantities at the premier.  

The poster is interesting.  In the background we have dwellings that look to be set in the mountains.  Could we be seeing the Singing Mountain Clan's home on Dathomir? Or are we seeing the home of Savage Opress before he is taken/found by the Nightsisters and "forged."  The background certainly doesn't fit with the background in the preview video that can be seen below.  Is the whole "Darth Maul's brother," thing a giant curve ball?  I tend to think not.  My guess is that Savage Opress is younger and undersized when he is found by the Nightsisters and the forging turns him into the oversized Zabrak warrior that we see in the previews and promotional materials.

In other news Big Shiny Robot has posted a preview clip from the upcoming Savage Opress episode.  The clip features Asajj Ventress and the Nightsisters of Dathomir.

I'll be in LA Monday waiting in line with my ticket and hopefully getting into the screening.  If I do get in, I will have a review posted Tuesday night.

Savage Opress is going to be awesome.

Edit:  Also the new cover of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine, appears to depict Asajj Ventress in new nightsister character model.  (Second from the Left)