Coming Attractions: Plans for Lightsaber Rattling in 2011

Let me start by saying a big Thank You to everyone who has given this blog a chance.  As a huge fan of Star Wars I always wanted a way to share my enjoyment of the franchise with others.  I never expected to see such a jump in traffic to the blog as I have seen in the last month.  We are closing in on 7,000 page views. 

I hope that this blog can evolve into a full blown website and one of your go to source for news and commentary regarding Star Wars.  Towards that goal, I will be stepping up the content in 2011.

  • Look for a new weekly Episode Review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars published on Saturday or Sunday after each new Episode.  
  • I hope to begin adding an interview section featuring authors and other creative forces in the Star Wars universe.
  • A bi-weekly or monthly column on the biggest issues in the Star Wars community as news warrants.
  • Continued Preview Reviews of any novel excerpt releases.
  • Reviews of any new novel releases.
  • Further integration of the blog's Facebook page, hopefully with the occasional live chat.
  • Further down the road in 2011, audio/podcast novel reviews and previews. 
  • Increased Clone Wars news and speculation, including thoughts on characters and events that should be included down the road.  
  • Publishing Calendar updates as they become available.
  • Continued cross posting with New Jedi Order Encyclopedia
  • Continued Podcast/Website profiles on podcasts and sites that I enjoy and think that others will also enjoy.