Massively has a spoiler free review of SWTOR: Deceived by Paul S. Kemp

Larry Everett of the Website: Massively by joystiq has an advance review copy of Paul S. Kemp's new Star Wars novel, The Old Republic: Deceived

Blurb from review: 

Deceived explores the effects the destruction of the Jedi temple and the Sacking of Coruscant has on three individuals: Darth Malgus, Aryn Leneer, and Zeerid Korr. Darth Malgus, as I mentioned, was the Sith Lord who led the attack on the Jedi Temple. Aryn Leneer was a Jedi Knight and former apprentice to Master Ven Zallow. Zeerid Korr was a reluctant Smuggler who has a history with Aryn. Although the Sacking of Coruscant eventually brings them together, there is a stronger connection between the trio: love. Now, I don't want you to get all mushy at this point. The book is not a romance novel -- far from it. The English word love is far too limited. Right at the front of the novel, we learn that each one of these characters is in love (with other people).
Deceived will be released March 22, 2011 and is available now for pre-order on  To go directly to the Amazon product page for this book or any soon to be released book click on that book in the Release schedule sidebar on this site and the magic of the interweb will take care of the rest.

After Crosscurrent I really look forward to reading this book. Paul S. Kemp is good.