Sunday time: The Gift

On Thursday night, June 9, 2011, we went to Casa da Musica to listen, during the event Clubbing, the Portuguese band The Gift perfoming the new album Explode

Lobby Casa da Musica | Porto (Portugal)

The Gift is one of most succeed bandwell known in Portugal and other countries as Spain, Canada (Toronto) and United States (New York).

For 17 years, without management or outside labels, they’ve grown famous in their home country and Spain by recording in their converted garage. 

"Arguably, they’ve built a small empire around high-drama, English-language anthemic indie rock by garnering sponsorships, opening for the likes of Flaming Lips in the US, and becoming the “first Portuguese band to X” - X being everything (like getting a spot on MTV UK)".

The Guilhermina Suggia hall was complete! A lot of people on stairs just applauding, singing and dancing on every theme of Explode and some 'classical'  songs of the band as several 'encore'. The band hit the stage! 

Sonia Tavares | The Gift
Photo: Palco Principal

Frontwoman Sonia Tavares, a true diva who had crooned and high-kicked through a demanding hours-long set: “Do you want more? Dance and sing to us because we’re going to play until going directly to Toronto fly…” 

The audience wedeeply applauded the talent of the band and this album, very explosive! Sounds, colours, talent!

Positive thinking and bright colors are The Gift’s hallmarks, right down to the pastel keyboards. 

For Explodethey based their album art around a trip to the Holi festival in rural India, where they were doused from head to toe.

The Gift | Explose | Poras Chaudhary
“We always wanted this album to be an explosion of color, of joy, of happiness, and positivity,” John said. “It was the perfect location… we were there a week celebrating the festival with a local photographer in the temples, throwing the traditional colored powder at each other. All the while we understood that all of the people around us were so happy with so little.”
Nuno Gonçalves (keyboards & voice)
Explode which hit number 1 in Portugal album sales. Here the playlist.

An amazing night of indie rock, a lots of colour, joy and dancing where the seats were no barrier!

"If you love pretty colors, you'll love Portuguese music mainstay The Gift, an anthemic indie rock band that's been DIY for 17 years."

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(in a pleasant Sunday afternoon)


The Gift

MTV Iggy