Tracy Morgan Can Take a Joke, but Can't Take Fags.

I didn't post this to spread a rumor.  We are critical thinking adults; this may be bullshit.  This could be a gay man's social science project, it could be a drunk interpretation, it could be an outright lie to gain some notoriety.  I don't know and I don't care.  My point in posting is just to illuminate my earlier point about using the word "fag"... sometimes only you can decide if hurting people is worth it.
If hurting people is worth using a certain word or expression.
If ruining someone's evening is worth making the joke.
If encouraging alienation and hatred in people is worth the applause.

This is a personal choice and we all make it in different ways evey day, celebrity or not.  But if someone left a conversation with me feeling like this, or feeling the need to walk out, I wouldn't be watching my language because they were the sensitive ones.

It would be because I was.


Jay Mohr does world's best Tracy Morgan impression.