

This afternoon, I have been touched by Alice! I was tweeting and suddenly I read something about Alice's Bucket List blog! 

Alice is this beautiful and brave english sweet young girl, 15 years old who is fighting against a cancer for almost 4 years, but who is keeping her smile and good vibrations on a blog: Alice's Bucket List

She started the blog on Monday June 6 and her 1st post Hello :) is so touching! 

I found the link on The Guardian and I went to Alice's blog. I just can't stop on thinking about Alice. 

Alice' wrotes today on her post: It's manic...

"Now for my mega exciting news :))
I'm off to see Take That this weekend, can you believe it?  I am so excited and really can't wait, I just hope that I don't get ill or something daft. I've lived in PJs for about a year so mum is going to town to buy some things to bring back for me to try.  She'll bring loads but I'll no doubt end up wearing leggings and a shirt :)


We've had lots of people helping us to sort through all of the email and everyone who has emailed will hopefully get a reply from us.  I had lots of lovely people offer to help me get an iPad but close family friends have ordered one for me now, so I'll soon be blogging from that. I'll get my mum to post a picture of me on it :)  It also looks like the other things I wished to do are being organised so thank you to everyone for that.  I feel a very lucky girl."

"I feel a very lucky girl..." she wrote! Alice is not in Wonderland. She is Alice x but she writes like she is in an wonderful world.

She's smart, brave, kind, have a sweet sense of humour. She doesn't ask for help. 

The only thing she asked is to fulfil her "buckest list' of things she wants to do before she dies. She only 15!

Of course she will see "Take That" in concert and she will have lots of fun with her sister and parents.

So, please visit Alice's Buckest List blog and make some suggestions to her buckest list (on the top).

And spread the word to your students! They have the same age. And Alice might love reading cheerful messages from young people for all over the world.

The best way to give support to Alice is to help her trend on Twitter #alicebucketlist, like her Facebook page and, most important of all, sign up to be bone marrow donor.
Thousands of touching comments are already published on Alice's blog

An anonymous poster from USA wrote: 

"What a wonderful, wonderful blog! I absolutely love it and cannot wait to read about all of your adventures. You are such an inspiration!"

Alice is an inspiration! And I cannot wait to read about all of Alice's adventures. I wish that all her dreams come true! And I deeply hope she will win cancer!

And here there are "Take That" for Alice! 

One of Alice's buckest list is: "To meet Take That". Oh! I'm sure she will meet Take That. And who knows? Take That will sing for Alice!


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