More new short fiction coming to Star Wars Insider magazine

Del Rey editor David Pomerico post the following tidbit on Star Wars Books Facebook page today:

Just finished up edits on a new Michael Reaves/Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff short story that ties into SHADOW GAMES for INSIDER magazine, and now I'm delving into a new James Luceno Darth Maul short story.

Turning into a pretty good morning. (DP)

We already knew that Luceno was working on new short stories for the re-release of the tie-in novels for Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3D, but this may have been the first news of the Reaves/Bohnhoff short story tie-in story for Shadow Games.

We are seeing a pretty consistent trend with the return of new fiction in Star Wars Insider, it is obvious that they are trying to get each author to write a pretty brief short story to accompany their novel release.  Seems like a good strategy to both promote the books and promote sales of Insider.  I am going to have to get a subscription if this trend continues.