Lightsaber Rattling @ the Web

This site was recently mentioned on two great SWEU Podcasts. 

In the latest edition of EU Cast #116 "Cover Your Ears", co-host Mark mentions us around the 1 hour 49 minute mark. 

To listen to EUCast #116:  LINK

In the latst edition of The Sarlacc Pit:  Official Podcast of Galactic Binder, we actually got two mentions.  The first unattributed mention was our Year in Review Question about favorite new EU character and story arc.  The second mention was by guest co-host Riley (from The Bothan Report).

To listen to The Sarlacc Pit:  LINK
To listen to The Bothan Report: LINK

Thanks to both EUCast and The Sarlacc Pit, keep up the good work guys and gals.