Star Wars Blu-Ray Official Release Date: September 27, 2011

News from today that the Star Wars Blu-Ray release which was previously announced at CES as coming in September has officially gotten a release date of September 27th, the final Tuesday in September.  

The Star Wars Blu-Ray release will feature 3 collections, Complete Saga, Prequel Trilogy, and Original Trilogy.  The retail price for the three sets will be $139.99, $69.99 and $69.99 respectively.

You can Pre-Order The Complete Saga for $89.99 on Amazon: HERE
You can Pre-Order The Prequel Trilogy for $44.99 on Amazon: HERE
You can Pre-Order The Original Trilogy for $44.99 on Amazon: HERE

For full details on the original Blu-Ray announcement click Lightsaber Rattling's story: Here