Fate of the World game

Fate of the World game
"A diferença entre um jogo de impacto social e os meios tradicionais - livros, documentários, peças de teatro, etc. - é que sobre o mesmo assunto estas são todas experiências passageiras. Mas nos jogos pode-se 'calçar os sapatos' de uma perspectiva diferente e fazer escolhas significativas"

Jeff Ramos

Photo: Red Redemption

Fate of the World is a dramatic global strategy game that puts all our futures in your hands. The game features a dramatic set of scenarios based on the latest science covering the next 200 years. You must manage a balancing act of protecting the Earth’s resources and climate versus the needs of an ever-growing world population, who are demanding ever more food, power, and living space. Will you help the whole planet or will you be an agent of destruction?

"But if people can feel and see the evolution of variables in a system – such as a changing climate – it can be a better way of learning than reading lots of scientific prose."

Tom Chatfield

Climate Challenge

Fate of the World is the sequel to the popular BBC Climate Challenge played by around 1 million people all over the world. 
BBC Climate Challenge was winner of Best European Green IT Award 2008, DEFRA Climate Challenge Award, Serious Games 2009 Finalist, Games For Change 2008 Finalist, EuroPaws 2008 Finalist.

"Fate of the World" is brought to you by the award-winning 'Red Redemption' games team including Executive Producer Klaude Thomas (Battlestations: Midway), Lead Designer Ian Roberts (BBC Climate Challenge) with climate modelling by Dr Myles Allen (University of Oxford), writing by David Bishop (Dr Who, 2000AD), music composed by Richard Jacques (Mass Effect, Alice in Wonderland) and gameplay direction by veteran game designer Matthew Miles Griffiths (Conflict: Desert Storm, Battlestations: Midway, Cannon Fodder GBC, Futurama, Thunderbirds GBA). 

Read the review in The Guardian/ Environment (December 2010).


It's certanly  a wonderful tool in Sciences and Civics curricula. It could be useful to the students in independent choosing  wich each one helps the planet or is an agent of destruction. 
It would motivate students' awareness to the problems of the environment, preparing them to be active ecological citizens.

"Serious Games is a movement that aims to use new gaming technologies for educational or training purposes. It investigates the educational, therapeutic and social impact of digital games built with or without learning outcomes in mind. This movement has emerged to meet the needs of a new generation of learners."

Digtal Games in School

"Video games are an ideal, natural medium for learning." 

David Samuelson 

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com® 

Vaughan, Adam, Climate change chalenge for computer games, 31.10.2010

Digital Games in Schools, May 2009

Abreu, Bruno, Videojogos descobriram um novo adversário: as alterações climáticas, DN/ Ciência, 21.11.2010