OECD 50th Anniversary Video Competion

As part of OECD’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, a video competition for young people has been launched.

To celebrate the OECD's 50th Anniversary, young people worldwide are invited to create a short video describing their vision of Progress.

If you are, or you know someone, aged between 18 and 25 and like making short videos, tell OECD what you think “Progress is...”. 

Read all the the Competion terms & conditions here

About the video:
  • No longer than three minutes;
  • Made in English or French (OECD’s two official languages);

The competion is open since December 1st 2010 and closing date for submissions is midnight (Paris, France time) on 1 March 2011.

You can fill out the Registration form here

Upload your video on YouTube and register online before MIDNIGHT (Paris time) on 1 March 2011. Any videos and/or registration forms received after this time will not be considered.

A Special Jury (to be announced in February) will compile a shortlist of 20 videos, judged on a basis of creativity, substance, production value and overall impact. 

The 20 shortlisted videos will be announced and showcased on the OECD website and the OECD YouTube site from 21 March 2011.

The public will be invited to vote from 22 March to 14 April, 2011, via YouTube, the top three videos from the shortlist.

The winners will be announced on Friday 15 April 2001

Three lucky winners will be selected and invited to Paris in May, all-expenses-paid, for a special screening of the videos at the OECD Forum.

The video author (or nominated representative, if a team creation) of each winning video will be invited to Paris to attend the OECD 50th Anniversary Forum in May 2011. 
Travel costs to and from Paris, hotel accommodation and a living allowance will be provided for the duration of the Forum.

For more information, contact video@oecd.org.
You can join OECD on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.


High schools of Arts, students, free-lance movie makers, creative people.

Don't miss this opportunity to share your creativity and your ideas about progress.

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Credits: OECD