Clone Wars: Counter Attack Preview (Ep. 3.19) Air Date: 3/4/11

Rex keeping his eyes on Tarkin
Jedi Fortune Cookie: "Anything that can go wrong will."

Episode Guide Synopsis:
With freed prisoners in their possession and the brutal warden attempting desperately to thwart them, Obi-Wan and Anakin search for a way out of the Citadel and back to Coruscant. The prison, however, has more traps, perils and pitfalls in s tore for them than they had imagined and they must work past their differences if they are to escape.
This episode is written by  Matt Michnovetz and directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell and is the second part of the three part Citadel story arc.  Part one "The Citadel" was also written by Matt Michnovetz.  Its nice for the sake of the story to have one lead writer work on these story arcs, this is the same pattern we saw with Katie Lucas in the Savage Opress/Nightsisters arc and Christian Taylor with the Mortis arc.  If the pattern holds Matt should also be the writer of the arc's concluding episode (3.20) "Citadel Rescue."

We don't get any suprises in the Cast or Location list, other then the fact that Coruscant will appear. This could be the call for help from the strike team and the scrambling of the rescue operation for "Citadel Rescue," but I hold out hope we will see some Tarkin/Palpatine interaction in one of these episodes.  This interaction is something we didn't get to see in Episode IV, but would be really cool. 

Sounds like our noble heroes will have to make  nice with Tarkin in order to get out of the Citadel.

Stay Tuned to Lightsaber Rattling for more Counter Attack updates leading up to Friday's Episode of TCW.


Gender Equality II: European girls drawing competion for ICT

As I wrote on Gender Equality I, I began publishing some thematic posts about Gender Equality until March 7, 2011.

Today, my post is about the "European drawing competion to reward girls' creativity about the future technologies." announced by the National Innovation Office (Hungary), the European Commission’s Directorate General for Information Society and Media (DG INFSO) and the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) under the Hungarian EU Presidency 2011.

The aim of the competition was to encourage creativity in the field of new technologies and highlight the importance of developing innovative skills at an early age. 

Girls aged 6-16 from all schools in the 27 EU member states could participate in the  competition. There was two age categories: one for 6-12 and another for 13-16 years old girls.

Diana R, Romania (13 years old)

Entries could focus on two issues:  

• What would be interesting or fun to do on your computer / Internet that you cannot do right now? 

• What type of new ICT (information and communication technology) tool would you like to see to help you and your family’s life? 

The deadline of submission was 20th February 2011. And the winners and runners up of the competion has been informed by the organizers the 25th February. Read more here

Marina T., Slovenia (10 years old)

The winning contributions are already published on the competition's website "Women im Science, Innovation and Technologie in the Digital Age" conference, March 6-8, 2011 in Budapest, Hungary.

The organization received 672 drawings from Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Malta and Hungary. 

Anastasia V., Greece (13 years old)

The drawing competition award ceremony with Commissioner Neelie Kroes will take place on Monday the 7th of March 2011 in Budapest at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 

Natalia A., Slovakia (11 years old)

The winners drawing will be exhibited on 7-8 March 2011 in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the  venue of the high-level conference hosting the Prize-Award Ceremony.

The winners and the runners-up will be invited together with one adult (to accompany them to Budapest) to participate in the Prize-Award Ceremony.

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®


Women in Science, Innovation and Technologie in the Digital Age Conference

Live Tweeting the Oscars.

Some of you asked if I would... here you go.
I promise nothing.!/Arbitral

Announcement: New Design for Lightsaber Rattling

Hello Ladies, Gents, and Hermaphroditic Gastropods,

As you will have noticed I have updated the look of Lightsaber Rattling.  The Dark Side is on the rise here at Lightsaber Rattling. 

This update effects not only the web version of the site, but for those who view the site on mobile devices, you will see a change as well.  The mobile version of the site will now have a white background instead of black.   Hopefully that makes it easier for mobile users to view as I have had some comments about the black background. 

I'm always tinkering with the site, but this was a bit of a major overhaul.  Hopefully you like the new look.  But please positive or negative leave comments to this post to let me know what you think. 

I am going to be messing around with gadgets on the main page to attempt to unclutter it, but for the most part most of the clutter is now at the bottom of the page.

Once the Clone Wars season ends, I will be spending some time updating the Novel Timeline, Authors & VIPs, Appendices, and Novel Value Guide Pages. 

As always thank you for visiting and stay tuned for more Star Wars news and opinion.


Clone Wars: News and Rumors: Episode 3.20 Title Revealed

The Citadel

Episode 3.20 of The Clone Wars will be entitled "Citadel Rescue."  The title was first revealed by Cartoon Network in their TV Listing.  The episode will be the third part of the "Citadel arc" and will be the final episode before the two part season finale "Padawan Lost" and "Wookiee Hunt."

"Citadel Rescue" will air on the Cartoon Network on Friday 3/11/11 at 8:30pm, will be available on iTunes on Saturday, and for free streaming on Monday.

The title makes me think that we will be seeing Saesee Tiin and possibly Plo Koon coming to the rescue of our trapped heroes.

Plo Koon (Far Left) and Saesee Tin (Left)


Portugal...what else?

Portugal what else?! Of course! it's my country!

Spring is back! Here am I taking a walk near the Atlantic Ocean, or walking on the park  of Fundação de Serralves,- may be sit down a bit on the lovely terrace on 1st floor - taking  a cofee and reading a book. 

If time is not so fresh, I would like to take the bike and follow the Douro river riding on the cycle track from Foz do Douro (Atlantic Ocean) until Ribeira (Douro river). 

Oh, yes, the sky is splendid,
So blue as it now,
The air and light are blended,
Oh yes, hot, anyhow,(...)

Fernando Pessoa, The Happy Sun is Shining,
90 last Poems, 22.11.1935

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®

(in a shining sunday, listening 'Here Come de Sun' featured by Sarah Menescal

Darth Maul: The Tattooed Face of Star Wars Merchandise in 2012 has released a sneak peak at Lucasfilm's marketing campaign for 2012 and it will focus on eveyones favorite double bladed Lightsaber wielding villain, Darth Maul.

The story also had this brief Clone Wars nugget:

Will there be a variation of this used for The Clone Wars packaging?

Cheregotis: "There will not be a variant for Clone Wars packaging. We always try to keep one brand look for all segments of the property, and in this case, the use of Maul is especially fitting given the introduction of Savage Opress in The Clone Wars and his quest to find Maul."


It's Not a Lie If You Believe It.

A point I never hear many people address:

The reason, Americans, that you have so many of the North America's best doctors is because you have a disastrous private system that sees a third party system regulating people's health at the expense of the patients. Who regulates it?
The Insurance Companies.
Funded by Pharma.
Paying your doctors.

And it pays well.

When the patients are able to pay, that is. And very few are now. Businesses are cutting health coverage and people haven't the expendable cash flow for things like a broken bone or a C-section.

Canadians flee to the US occasionally for doctors who are paid what our country and our system simply can't afford. But us Canadians also simply could not afford to live there.

Maddow: "Ask any Canadian which system they would prefer to have."


Happy Friday! Best Drunken Interview Ever.

"I'M GONNA GET RACIAL HERE!" is officially the "Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife..." of 2011.

We All Get Older; Try Not to Sweat It.

Clone Wars News: February Clone Wars & Cartoon Network Ratings

Did you hear the news?

Turner Broadcasting the parent company behind Cartoon Network has released an update on ratings which has been published by the website TV by the Numbers

Across the third week of February 2011, Cartoon Network earned solid delivery and ratings gains vs. the same week last year among kids 9-14.  Compared to the 2010 time period, average early evening prime time kids 9-14 delivery (406,000) grew by 3%, and ratings (1.7) by 6%.

Friday night’s animated action-adventure programming (7-9 p.m.) propelled Cartoon Network to the #1 destination on all television among boys 2-11 and 9-14, showing strong double-digit delivery increases: overall kids 9-14 delivery (557,000) grew by 39% and boys 9-14 delivery (481,000) grew by 46%.

 STAR WARS: The Clone Wars (8:30 p.m.)—kids 6-11 delivery (662,000) grew by 8%, kids 9-14 delivery (607,000) grew by 49%, boys 6-11 delivery (543,000) grew by 6%, boys 9-14 delivery (517,000) grew by 53%

More great ratings news for The Clone Wars.  Dave Filoni and the crew is doing a great job and the more mature tone of the show this season really seems to be taking off with older kids.

Congratulations to the cast and crew, hopefully the March numbers are huge.


Review: Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel by John Jackson Miller


Sentinel is set in 3960 BBY on the planet Kesh in two principle locations, the capital city of Tahv and the area surrounding the Marisota River.  The Sith have now been on Kesh for 1040 years, so their society and culture is very ingrained.  What we have is a very caste based system, and in this system a fall from power has dramatic consequences. 


Jelph Marrain, Male, former Jedi Knight and Jedi Covenant Secret Agent
Ori Kitai, Female, Lost Tribe of the Sith
Grand Lord Lillia Venn, Leader of Lost Tribe of the Sith
Candra Kitai, Mother of Ori Kitai and disgraced High Lord.
Lord Flen Luzo, Male, Lost Tribe of the Sith
Lord Sawj Luzo, Male, Lost Tribe of the Sith
Gadin Badolfa, Architect and political go between for Sith
Krynda Draay, Female founder of Jedi Covenant (Mentioned only)
Jedi Master Lucien Draay, Son of Krynda, member of Jedi Covenant (Mentioned only)
Darth Revan, Fallen Jedi/Sith (Mentioned only)


At four chapters and 29 pages, Sentinel is a quick read but is really part of the larger story that began in LTotS #5: Purgatory.  It tells the story of the relationship between two outcasts from their respective societies former Jedi Jelph Marrain and former Sith Ori Kitai. 
She opened her eyes and glared at him. “I can feel it in your thoughts. You think I’m beautiful. You think you want me. You want to trust me. But you’re looking behind every word I say, trying to find me out, trying to trap me. Because of who I am.”
Jelph looked down at the water. He hadn’t known why he had come all this way when so much was at risk. Not until now. “I think I know who you are, Ori.” He stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder.  She shrank at his touch.
This was a fun little romp through the LTotS, which gave us a some action, some romance, an interesting take on the Sith society/philosophy, and a bit of a twist at the end.  It also did a good job tying this series of stories into John Jackson Miller's previous work on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series by having Jelph be a former member of the Jedi Covenant.  It also does a nice job of tying into the Knights of the Old Republic video games by bringing Revan into the story.

There isn't much to criticize in this story, other then the fact that Miller completely glossed over a fight scene at the end of Chapter 2 and the beginning of Chapter 3.  It wouldn't have added a ton to the story, but it just felt like a rather large omission in the flow of the story.

If you haven't gotten into the LTotS story yet, starting with #5 and #6 is a good place to start.  Jelph and Ori are interesting characters and has me wondering what ramifications this story may have for certain members of the LTotS in the Fate of the Jedi novel series.


Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel gets 8.5 out of 10.  Miller has a real nice way of crafting memorable sentences and there are a couple good ones in here. I look forward to continuing to read the LTotS story.  

You can download LTotS: Sentinel at StarWars.Com as a PDF or on for the KINDLE

Languages matter!

The International Mother Language Day was celebrated on February, 21, 2011.  Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. So, I think it always important to spread this message.

"The theme of the 2011 International Mother Language Day concerned the use of information and communication technologies for safeguarding and promoting languages and linguistic diversity.

Languages provide the software for information and communication technologies. These technologies are also a new frontier for promoting linguistic diversity. UNESCO is committed to promoting multilingualism on the Internet. These goals guide UNESCO in its work with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers."(...)

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

If languages do not exist, the culture will disappear. 

If we look at the statical curve measuring amounst of diverse languages on one side and the number of internet users on the other, in see that in Europe for example we have low diversity but a hifg number of Internet users.

Daniel Prado, Unión Latina

Watch the video below

"Information and communication technologies cabn be especially useful in promoting mother languages. We must harness the power of progress to protect diverse visions of the world and to promote all sources of hnowledge and forms of expression. These are the threads that weave the tapestry of humanity's story."

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
Message for International Mother Day 2011

"Less than a quart of all languages in the world are used in education and in cyber space."

"With today's technology every corner of the world is linked together. The  new generations are globalized."

Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisboa, Portugal

If you want to know more about Portuguese Language and Literature visit the website Casa Fernando Pessoa, one of the world's best writers. Pessoa was a great defensor of the Portuguese language and culture.

Fernando Pessoa Portrait (1954)
José de Almada Negreiros

You can access "Fernando Pessoa digital library" here. It is online since Ocober 2011. You can access too "Poetry database" here and Fernando Pessoa Library here

"Sê plural como o universo"

Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese writer (1988-1935)

  • Portuguese as second language in primary and elementary schools;
  • Portuguese as foreign language in secondary school;
  • Portuguese Literature studies in foreign Universities

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®

Information about the video:

The video was produced by the UNESCO Liaison Office in New York in 2010, on the occasion of the 'International Mother Language Day', to raise awareness on the importance on languages today.


International Mother Language Day 2011

UNESCO Director-General's message

Casa Fernando Pessoa

Biblioteca Digital de Fernando Pessoa

Cover Preview: Star Wars: Shadow Games by Michael Reaves & Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff

Art by Scott Biel has released a First Look at Michael Reaves new Star Wars novel, co-written by Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff.  Shadow Games (working title Holostar).  Shadow Games is a stand alone paperback novel that stars Dash Rendar (introduced in the 1996 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire multimedia releases).  The article mentions an October release, however Del Rey's Official Star Wars Facebook Page, lists its release as Nov. 29th, 2011. 

SW.Com Novel Blurb: 

Javul Charn is the most famous pop star in the galaxy -- and the runaway bride of a violent lieutenant in Black Sun, the crime syndicate commanded by Prince Xizor. Or so Javul says. Soon after Dash Rendar, broke and desperate, agrees to be Javul's bodyguard, he realizes that openness is not her strong suit -- and that murder is stalking her tour.
Between the discovery of dead bodies in a cargo hold and an attack by an unidentified warship, Dash and co-pilot Eaden Vrill desperately try to understand who is terrorizing Javul's tour and why. When Han Solo suddenly joins Javul's road show, the stakes are raised even higher. Now Dash, who has a history with Han and an even worse history with Prince Xizor, follows his instincts, his discoveries, and Javul herself -- straight into a world that may be too dangerous to survive!
My Thoughts on the Cover Art and Story Blurb:

The cover is a different look for a Star Wars books, there are elements of it that I like and elements I don't like.  The Star Wars logo in red with the effect on it looks nice.  I really like the open doors with the Imperial cog on one side and the Rebel Alliance logo on the other.  Though if Black Sun is going to feature prominently perhaps it would have made more sense to have the Black Sun logo featured on the cover. 

I dislike the effect on the "Shadow Games" title.  I also dislike the male character image deep set down the hallway between the doors. Looks like it could be no one and anyone.  It does also have the suspense/thriller/action novel feel to it.  Unlike the Knight Errant novel cover that had me really excited for the book, the cover art for this one isn't much of a hook to get me excited for it.  Hopefully the story is awesome. 

The story is set in 2 BBY, which interestingly enough is the same time in universe time period as Brian Daley's Han Solo Trilogy.  So Han who will be guest starring in this book either has to be coming from or heading to the Corporate Sector.  It also is set before the Death Troopers novel (1BBY), so its before Han and Chewie have their run in with zombies.  It is also set about 5 years before Shadows of the Empire in which Dash Rendar makes his Star Wars debut.

Overall this is a curious period of the timeline to explore and a curious main character to use.  Was their some massive clamoring for more Dash Rendar?  Is this book a way of testing the appeal of minor character stories set in the Rise of the Empire era?  Possibly testing the waters for the Live-Action TV series which is rumored to have a similar setting? 

No News is Good News.

Yeah, I know, Facebook is still being a bitch and hasn't given my ball back.
I feel like I've been grounded.

Some people have gotten their accounts back after 4-10 days, and others have fallen prey to the technical bullshit that comes with a site that has 500 million members and their accounts have been lost permanently and people have had to start over.
This is not a big deal for me when it comes to my close friends and family, but all of my comedian friends have gained in popularity and are now big shots with 5000 friends and couldn't accept my request even if they wanted to.  I will have to settle for being their "fan".

I have been trying to get better at Twitter in the meantime, but I gotta tell ya... it's no Facebook.  Not only do I have a very limited network of friends on Twitter (due to my using it mainly to track comedians, writers, unheardof musicians, and artists) but I find it a lot less exciting.  It is reads as just a page of words on my Blackberry, as oppposed to the excitement of pictures, videos and personality that was Facebook.  Sure, Twitter LINKS to cool shit, but I don't have that kind of time.*

Artist: Scottie Young. Greg turned me on to him when he bought me his work 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'.  He is amazing.

In the meantime, it has freed me to pay a little more attention to my blog that very few people read, and it has reminded me that I do not feel alone or abandoned without Facebook.

That is a relief to me.

Anyone who knows me at all, knows I was really really good at Facebook.
I spent a good deal of time ensuring that people were entertained, educated, and excited when they refreshed their home pages.  It is not due to me thinking of myself as a minor celebrity (where would Facebook celebrity fall?  Just above porn extra, but below reality star ?)  It was because I found Facebook to be used by many people as a source of entertainment for themselves only.  They would complain that Facebook was boring or that their friends were boring but they, themselves, would do little to offer others a little nugget to brighten their day.  No videos of kitties playing with an ipad, no pictures of the cake they made, no music video they found entertaining, no witty statuses, no LIFE.
They are, not coincidentally, the same people who sit around complaining that they are bored.  No, you're not; you are boring.  There is a difference.
So I decided I would try and change that. It was a great way of connecting with people far and wide, it kept me searching for awesomeness, and it encouraged me to see the world through the eyes of another's enjoyment of life.

And THAT is what I miss.

I am okay with not knowing what others are up to.  I have a large enough social network in reality that I haven't needed to supplement it (replace it?) with a cyber world.

But sometimes I wasn't so sure.  (The monster looks back at you, yes?)
Until I lost Facebook, I WAS a bit afraid I would be one of those people who would cry and throw their phone against the wall if Facebook ever shut down or our government took our internets away.  I hear people all the time try and convince me that they ENJOY smoking and could quit at any time. I never did believe them.
And here I was, chain-Facebooking.  I could have ended up just like them.

Can I get a collective "PHEW"?

So, here is my Twitter link, although I don't recommend it:!/Arbitral

I will connect with you all soon, and in the meantime:
-Watch 'Away We Go'
-Get the new Radiohead album 'The King of Limbs'
-Listen to the podcast 'WTF with Marc Maron' (if you like comedy and greatness)
and miss me.

Because I miss you.
And I actually mean that in a non co-dependent way, even.

*I totally have that kind of time.  I think I'm just not doing it for spite.  I have a bit of a hate-on for Twitter and what I think it's doing to people.

Savage Opress Comic: Free Comic Day Story by Dark Horse Comics

If you can't get enough Savage Opress action, then on May 7, 2011 (Free Comic Book Day) run don't walk to your local comic book store for this free comic from Dark Horse Comic which will feature not only a Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Opress Unleashed comic, but in the same book an Avatar: The Last Airbender comic based on the Nickelodeon TV series. 

Interesting in the Preview of the Free Comic on the Free Comic Book Day website we see Opress visiting a Hutt, Noggox the Hutt.  It will be interesting to get this short comic book story and hopefully get some idea of what Opress is up to between the time we last saw him on TCW and the time we will next see him, presumably in S4. 

Source: Jedi Temple Archives

New Chewbacca Clip from The Clone Wars Season Finale

Big Shiny Robot has posted a new video clip from the EmpireFail's YouTube Channel  of the two-part Season 3 Clone Wars Finale event featuring Chewbacca.

Long before he was imprisoned by Imperials following the events of Revenge of the Sith, and even longer before he was rescued by and pledged his life to his friend Han Solo, Chewbacca crossed passes with Ahsoka Tano.

Looks like we are in for some serious Wookiee action.  Its cool to see TCW bring in the Wookiee-Trandoshan conflict from the EU, for those unfamiliar the Wookiees and Trandoshans originated on separate planets within the same star system, the Kashyyyk System. There is a long history of animosity between the two species.  For more on the Wookiee-Trandoshan conflict visit Wookieepedia

SOURCE: Big Shiny Robot
SOURCE: Star Wars Underworld

Clone Wars: Counter Attack (Episode 3.19) Preview Video

Since TCW is taking a week off, the Lightsaber Rattling full preview of Episode 3.19 "Counter Attack," will have to wait until next week.  Until then any news, press releases or other updates will be covered in multiple posts. 

I like the Imperial Probe Droid call back to Empire Strikes Back.  

Cartoon Network Preview:  VIDEO

Cartoon Network Preview Blurb: "Obi-Wan and Anakin search for a way out of the Citadel and back to Republic Territory."

For our iPhone Readers here is the Youtube Video that doesn't require Flash. 

For more coverage of TCW and other things Star Wars, please visit our friends over at Knights Archive

My Collection Update: Transformers Exodus by Alex Irvine.

One of the coolest features of following authors and publishers through the use of social media is stumbling upon the occassional contest/giveaway.  I had the good fortune recently of seeing author Alex Irvine, who I began following after learning that he would be penning a Star Wars novel about Nomi Sunrider.  The Nomi Sunrider book, which can't have the main characters name for legal reason is going to be a hardcover, scheduled for release tentatively in September of 2012.

Recently Mr. Irvine held a giveaway in which he gave a couple lucky fans autographed copies of his Transformers novel, Transformers Exodus.  Published in 2010 by Del Rey/Ballantine Books.

Publisher's Summary:
For twenty-five years the colossal battle between Megatron and Optimus Prime has captivated Transformers fans around the world. Yet the full story of the conflict between the two most famous Transformers—everything that happened before Optimus and Megatron arrived on planet Earth—has always been a mystery . . . until now. Here, for the first time told in its entirety, is the thrilling saga of Optimus and Megatron before they were enemies, before they even knew each other.

“Freedom is every Cybertronian’s right!” After Megatron utters these immortal words, the caste-bound planet of Cybertron is rocked to its foundations. Megatron, an undefeated gladiator thug, gives voice to the unspoken longings of the oppressed masses—and opens the mind of an insignificant data clerk to possibilities previously unthinkable.
Long before becoming the honorable Optimus Prime, Orion Pax is a mere office underling, an unlikely candidate to answer an outlaw’s call to revolution. But Orion is determined to meet this defiant enemy of all that Cybertron stands for, no matter what he has to do, or how many laws he has to break.

What happens between Orion Pax and Megatron forever changes the destiny of all Transformers. This gripping, action-packed novel reveals all the loyalties and treacheries, trust and betrayals, deadly violence and shining ideals, as well as the pivotal roles played by other characters, including Starscream, Sentinel Prime, Omega Supreme, and one of the thirteen original Primes, the last link to Cybertron’s glorious Golden Age.

Discover how meek disciple Orion Pax becomes the fearless leader Optimus Prime; follow the tantalizing clues about the lost Matrix of Leadership and the lore surrounding it; find out why the two allies fighting a corrupt regime suddenly turn on each other, and what triggers their epic war. Transformers: Exodus provides everything fans ever wanted to know about one of the fiercest rivalries of all time.
Look for an Off Topic Review of Transformers: Exodus in the coming weeks on

You can follow author Alex Irvine on Twitter at:  @alexirvine and on his website

You can purchase Transformers: Exodus on Amazon in Hardcover or Paperback.

Young blind can finish Abe´s Exoddus game

Video game Abe's Exodus/ Screen Shot

The studio Oddworld Inhabitants that created Oddworld franchise, presented Terry Garrett, an american young man, blind, 23 years old, engineering student, who managed to finish 'Abe's Exoddus' being guided only by the game's sound effects.

Video game Abe's Exodus/ Screen Shot

During an interview posted on the video, Terry Garrett explains how he manages to overcome the many difficulties presented in the adventure, taking full advantage of clues created by the sound effects of Oddworld's  department of soundscape .

So, watch and listen the video below. Something amazing!


Motivating students with disabilities in classroom

Planning video games for students with disabilities

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®



Your Video of the Day.

The song is nothing more than a really unnecessary remake for an equally unnecessary movie, and the video is just a cluster-fuck panoply of stale 80s references, but at around the 2:27 mark, it redeems itself and then some.  Topher Grace as Marty McFly.
GOLD, Jerry.

Clone Wars News and Rumors: IMDB Listing of Darth Maul and Savage Opress in TCW Season Finale False According to Lucasfilm.

2/22/11:  UPDATE

Updating the story I posted yesterday regarding IMDB's cast listing for The Clone Wars Season 3 Finale, Episode 3.22 "Wookiee Hunt."  Big Shiny Robot Editor Bryan Young received confirmation from Lucasfilm that this cast listing was inaccurate, debunking this rumor.  For More on the story head over to Big Shiny Robot.

The IMDB listing for our S3 Season Finale contains some incorrect information – but while neither Darth Maul nor Savage Opress will be featured in the episode, we will be marking the Clone Wars debut of Chewbacca, one of the Star Wars Saga’s most iconic and beloved characters.
Original Article:

I caution that this is totally unconfirmed, but someone has posted the following casting information on IMDB for the Season Finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Episode 3.22 "Wookiee Hunt."  

It has Clancy Brown who previously voiced Savage Opress in the Nightsisters arc, and Stephen Stanton who is appearing in the current story arc (Citadel and Counter Attack) as Captain Tarkin listed as appearing in the episode. 

Curiously it has Stanton who has previously done some minor work on TCW as Mas Amedda, Brother Viscus and a few minor characters, as voicing Darth Maul.

More curious still it has only these characters and Tom Kane as the Narrator listed in the cast portion of the information.

At this point this may be nothing more then a red herring.  Though if Savage and Maul where to appear in the Season Finale it would likely be a brief glimpse in the closing seconds of the episode to set up and  tease Season 4 (as I speculated in this POST).

This entry on IMDB was first mentioned on Twitter by The S.W. Underworld ( @Theswunderworld ) who also has a Facebook Page.

Gender Equality I

"Cyberella is fluent in the uses of technology, comfortable using and designing computer technology, and working in virtual spaces. 
Cinderella works in the basement of the knowledge society with little opportunity to reap its benefits. 

These are the definitions taken from Nancy Hafkin and Sophia Huyer’s book Cinderella or Cyberella: Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society, a collection of essays underlining the potential relationship between information technology and women’s opportunities, rights and welfare."

Today, I begin some thematic posts about 'Gender Equality and IT until March 7, the 'International Women's Day 2011'.

We are in the XXI Century! It's time to moving ahead for gender equality on IT. The European Commission decided to do something about the lack of women in IT careers since .

This first post is about the book Cinderella or Cyberella? by Nancy Hafkin & Sophia Huyer. It has been used by Viviane Reding, EU's Commissioner for Information Society and Media, to promote  Cyberellas are IT  the EU campaign aimed to increase the number of women in ICT celebrating 'International Women's Day 2009'.

The European Union’s Commissioner for Information Society and Media, Viviane Reding, has used the “cyberella” concept to promote a new EU campaign called “Cyberellas are IT!”. The campaign aims to increase the number of women in the ICT sector in the EU. Encouraging women to develop their ICT skills and become “cyberellas” will help deal with Europe’s shortage in this sector as well as its ageing workforce, falling birth rates and skills shortages in general.
The Conference "Cyberellas are IT!" took place on the 3rd March 2009 to celebrate International Women's Day.

Here is an extract from Viviane Reding's speech:
“Unlike her great-grandmother, Cinderella – a woman with meagre prospects, whose story had a fairy-tale ending only thanks to a magic wand – Cyberella is a woman with a science or engineering degree, on her way to a decision making position in industry or in government and well-placed not only to benefit fully from the advantages of the Information Society, but also to take part in the design and production of technology. Also unlike Cinderella, who was unique, we can hope to see many Cyberellas – indeed the more the better. Cyberellas exist today, but how to ensure that we have more in the future? Some of you present today may recognise yourselves in this description! But there are not enough of you. We simply need more Cyberellas to have a happy end to Europe's problems of an ageing workforce, falling birth rates and skills shortages. A Cyberella will be able to contribute to the design and production of tomorrow's technologies and communication networks. She will thereby be able to have a strong impact on shaping Europe's economic and societal future.

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Credits: WikiGender

Other references:

Stylus/Kumarian Press

Reding, Viviane, Cyberellas are IT