Clone Wars Preview: Ghosts of Mortis (Episode 3.17) Airing 2/11/11

He's Mine Now! 
Jedi Fortune Cookie:  "He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace"

A little Music to set the Mood: 

 From the Official Site's Preview Episode Guide:
Synopsis: The Jedi remain stranded on Mortis, and the Son aligned with the dark side of the Force renews his efforts to convert Anakin as the Jedi prepare for a decisive confrontation.
Director: Steward Lee
Writer: Christian Taylor

Key Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Father, Son.
Synopsis from Star Wars Insider #123: 

Anakin Skywalker must choose between the light and dark side of the Force as he gains a disturbing insight into his own future.  Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka prepare for a decisive confrontation their effort to unravel the mysteries of the planet.  Can they ever escape Mortis?

Cartoon Network Preview on Youtube (Low Quality): 

Cartoon Network Preview on (High Quality):  LINK Official Preview Clip:  LINK