Ari, a former comedian and now aggressive Conservative, and his Republican supporters defend name calling by name calling. I get involved. It goes on for a while. And it ends as I probably should have known it would.
Well that spiraled out of control rather fucking quickly, dontchathink?
For the record, the only thing I "judged" was their tone and their communication style, and would have done the same to a group of rowdy Liberals. I also never told them how I summarized my experience of dealing with them. The most fascinating part of it all was how they interpreted everything I DIDN'T say. Reading between the lines of this is like trying to build a castle with doughnut holes.
I then changed my profile picture to a less than flattering picture of "Annie" and ended the conversation for good. It was clearly no longer a discussion, but a bunch of angry women in an angry room together being angry.
Also, "cat" is my hero.