Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension Cover Art and Other Book News

Cover Art by Ian Keltie has released a First Look at Christie Golden's FotJ: Ascension due to be released on August 16, 2011.  Ascension is the 8th and penultimate book in the Fate of the Jedi series. 

This cover is the second time that Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai have graced the cover of a novel in the series.  Ben was also depicted on the cover of Book 4: Backlash. Vestar appeared on the cover of Book 2: Omen. 

You can pre-order FotJ: Ascension on


1. Darth Paper Strikes Back:  Fall 2011
A sequel to Oragami Yoda by Tom Angleberger, published by Amulet Books. Announcement/Interview.

2. The Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: June 2011
A new Character Encyclopedia in the style of The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia by DK publishing.  It will feature 200+ Characters. 

3. Jedi Path by Daniel Wallace: Trade Edition: September 2011
A tremendous book by Daniel Wallace, that I reviewed (HERE)  is going to be re-released this fall as a trade edition at a more affordable price point.  A must have for any Star Wars fan and the perfect compliment to the Star Wars Blu Ray purchase also coming out in September.

4. New Kids Books
LEGO Star Wars: Anakin: Space Pilot (in 3D) June 2011.  Also by DK Readers due out in June are Star Wars: Ultimate Duels and The Adventures of Han Solo.