Linux - 20 years

Infographic - Linux 20 years

Linux is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To commemorate, the Linux Foundation created an infographic that highlights events in the past 20-years from the open-source movement. 

Watch the video below from Linux Foundation remembering the history of 20 years.

"Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Linux with us. Watch the Story of Linux to remember - or learn for the first time - how Linux has disrupted a market and has begun to change the world. Join in a variety of activities planned this year to mark this important milestone."

The Linux Foundation is conducting a video contest. This year's contest will commemorate the 20th anniversary of Linux as a free software. 

"This year’s contest will commemorate the 20th anniversary of Linux by seeking the best user-generated videos that celebrate Linux while demonstrating the impact of the operating system on computing, business and/or culture over the last 20 years and today."

Video submissions must be received by 12:01 a.m. PDT on Saturday, July 2 2011. To increase your odds of winning and to submit your video, please visit The Linux Foundation’s video website for guidance on video submissions and the contest rules.

Linux is the best example of how open-source has attracted a worldwide developer community. 

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Credits. video Linux Foundation


Linux Foundation