Green Actions for Earth Day 2011

"From Dublin to Palo Alto via Milan, Colombia, and London, with world records and airships, in English, Spanish, Hebrew and Chinese, Facebook got a clear message this week, delivered in many ways – it's time the world’s largest social networking site connected its 600 million users to renewable energy, not dirty, dangerous coal and nuclear."


The message was also spreading in the main square of Milan, Italy with the unfurling of a huge Facebook: Go Green banner. 

Greenpeace volunteers in Italy have been gathering support from Facebook users across Italy, check out the fun video of their activities.

Earth Day 2011 is April 22. It's only a few days away. Actions like this one can be important to support this year Earth Day's theme: A Billion Acts of Green!

Well, in a different way, schools can organize an Earth Day event.

Earth Day 2011

"What can you do? Earth Day events are limited only by your imagination."

There are millions of things you can do locally to have fun and foster positive change in your school. 

Read about a pedagogical project for Earth Day 2008 

Speaking about green acts and about volunteering, Portuguese students are called to volunteering to help the forests since 2005.
The program aims to educate young people to Environmental problems. And each year there are more and students who are volunteering.

2011 is the International Youth Year, International Year of Forests and European Year of Volunteering, more than 5.000 Portuguese young people are involved in this year program that began April 1st and goes until November 30, 2011.

As you can see, it is a very interesting program to teach about Nature in a civic act. Students learn and help saving forests.  

For more information about the program, please visit a green project by my students: Torrinhas Verdes

"Sir David Attenborough has voiced his concern about children's declining knowledge of the natural world"

Do you share the same opinion? Do you think that your students decline knowledge of tha natural world? 

I just can say that students are very curious to learn about natural world and they are engaging themselves in green acts, more and more each year!

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Earth Day 2011
