EUCantina Forums: Where This Refugee From The Forum Will Be Talking Star Wars

With the StarWars.Com Forums (TOS) closing on April 29th, I have been debating where should I go to continue interacting in the realm of message boards with fellow Star Wars fans. 

I have decided to make the EU Cantina Forums my new message board home.  I have had the privilege to interact with many of the Cantina members through different mediums, on the TOS forums, on Twitter, and over Skype.  It is both a positive and a fun community of Star Wars fans. 

Oh and fortuitous timing, they have just redesigned the forums and boy do they look snazzy. 

If like me you find yourself looking for a message board to join with TOS forums closing, then please give the Forums a look, sign up, and while you are there, say hello to me.  You will see LightsaberRattling hanging around at a corner booth.