Music as social inclusion for kids

Roger Waters, Pavillhão Atlântico (Lisbon)
The Wall
Photo: Rita Carmo/ Espanta Espírito

Roger Waters began his European tournée "The Wall" on March 21 (International Day of Poetry), with a fantastic concert, in Lisbon. You can  admire some photos on Blitz.

Rolling Stones, U2 are fantastic in their show but only Pink Floyd and Roger Waters are able to mix images, scenarios, lights, music and technology with such harmony, even such poetry! 

Roger Waters & Coro Juvenil Cova da Moura
The Wall, Lisbon

And Roger Waters did more! Much more! He asked for the presence of a project of social inclusion for kids to be with on stage.

Sixteen ethnic kids from "Associação Moinho da Juventude da Cova da Moura" were on stage in a special participation with Roger Waters and his fourteen musicians. 

Cova da Moura choral group

 Whassysa, social assistant, 27 years old, who motivated those kids to participate in such an important concert, told media that the choral group has only a month and kids and teenagers (8-16 years old) were very excited about the participation in the concert.

The Wall - Lisbon (Portugal)

Kids (boys and girls) were so motivated - said Whassysa - that they were not missing a single day in the rehearsal, during two weeks. 

They did not know the lyrics, even less English language. And they learned the lyrics in English.

The video below is in Portuguese language, but you have the gesture language to follow it...

Kids engaged very seriously in the project, they made some research about Roger Waters and Pink Floyd. It was the first time that they heard about The Wall, Roger Waters or Pink Floyd.

And March 21-22, 2011 when the classical theme ‘Another Brick in the Wall - Part 1’ began, kids  appeared on stage singing. Watch the video below.

What an audacious project to change the future of Cova da Moura young people Mr. Roger Waters welcomed on the stage! 

It was very kind of him to invite a choral group of vulnerable young kids to participate in the concert.


We all know the importance of music as social inclusion for kids. There are fantastic projects all over the world! And Cova da Moura project is one of them! 
It has the potencial to achieve social transformation of those kids.

The success of this participation and the work of the cultural assistant aims the long-term  – including hopes that children will be driven towards higher educational achievement and, ultimately, out of poverty – are impossible to evaluate at the moment, but it had an overwhelmingly positive effect on the children involved. 

The holistic immersive approach of music (rock, pop, classical) and the engagement of important and experencied musicians is central to achieving significant transformation, particularly to the lives of the most vulnerable children.


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