Se tudo correr como previsto, Under Siege estará disponível na PSN em Dezembro. O preço será de 14,99 euros.
Este RTS é da responsabilidade da produtora portuguesa Seed Studios.
Salienta-se a compatibilidade com o Move, a inclusão de um editor e a integração com o YouTube e as redes sociais.
Under Siege is the first Portuguese game for PlayStation 3-exclusive real-time strategy (RTS) game. Under Siege is from the Portuguese Seed Studios. It's possible that Under Siege would be available on PSN in December for 14,99 Euros.
Expected the compatibility with the Move, the inclusion of an editor and the integration on Youtube and social networks.
Expected the compatibility with the Move, the inclusion of an editor and the integration on Youtube and social networks.
The screenshots of the game look quite gorgeous already which is always a good sign don't you think?
Oh! The in-game Editor enables players to create their own maps and share them with the world.
Oh! The in-game Editor enables players to create their own maps and share them with the world.
Kari is her name! She's strong and determined. She's the daughter of the leader of a small village on the edge of the Citadel's territory. Read more
Are you curious about the story? Well, you can read it here.
And for now, view the intro of Under Siege below
“Under Siege features an original world, unique gameplay elements and a control scheme designed with a console controller in mind,”- “We are also working on implementing a large number of multiplayer and community features with special emphasis on user generated content.”
Mr. Ribeiro (Seed Studios)
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Under Siege official website