Preview Review: Red Harvest by Joe Schreiber: Chapter 3 *SPOILERS*

Warning: The following contains spoilers for the forthcoming novel, Red Harvest.

In what hearkens back to old serial novels, continues to release Joe Schreiber's novel Red Harvest chapter by chapter.  We now have 3 chapters out but given its December 28th release date, I would not be surprised if they go up to Chapter 5, to try to slowly build an audience for the novel.

After the 3 short chapters we have received, I am invested in the characters and I am anticipating the novel much more then I was when we first learned about this prequel to Death Troopers. I actually enjoy Schreiber's shorter chapters, I think it makes books easier and quicker to read, especially if your busy and not reading it in long sittings, it makes for more convenient stopping points.

Chapter 3 is subtitled, Deep-Down Trauma Hounds.  In this chapter we see our unfortunate Sith whipping boy Wim Nickter, and well he is worse off then when we last saw him.

Nickter has become an unwilling lab rat for the twisted Sith Lord Scabrous (Scabs to his friends).  What exactly is Scabs doing to poor Wim, well that's not entirely clear.  Nickter has at least 6 tubes running from a pump into his spinal column.  The pump is filled with a yellowish/red liquid.  We also have some creepy black lotus flowers and a Sith Holocron for good measure.

Schreiber does a particularly good job in this chapter setting a creepy and evil tone.  Scabs is one of the creeper Sith Lords we have been introduced to, and this is only a glimpse of what we will see in the full book I am sure.

What is the fate of Nickter?  Does he day, another in what appears to be line of failed Sith evil botany experiments?  Or does he become the blood slobbering Sith Zombie that appears on the cover of the novel?

I was only so so on Mr. Schreiber's Death Troopers novel, it was a good read, but didn't feel enough like Star Wars for me.  So far in the first three chapters of Red Harvest, I think Mr. Schreiber has nailed the tone and feel of Star Wars.  This book looks like a keeper to me, I'm sure it will make a killing.....muahhaaahaaa

Download Red Harvest Chapter 1: Here
Dowload Red Harvest Chapter 2: Here
Download Red Harvest Chapter 3: Here

Pre-Order Red Harvest from Here

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