Exit Camp for Girls in Portugal

During five days ending on 6 July 2010 Exit Camp promoted by IBM in Portugal joined 30 young girls 11-13 years old, among daughters of IBM employees and students from a public school.This year Escola Eugénio dos Santos, Lisbon, ensured the participation of 16 young girls.

Among the activities proposed in the EXIT Camp there was the programming of robots where the young Portuguese girls showed their talent against the British team that were participating in an equivalent program that runned on IBM in the UK.

The video made by Tek explains (Portuguese language) the initiative and its impact. The victory of the Portuguese robots against the British team is a very interesting point.

The aim is to promote Technology among young girls to increase gender equality in their future career.

Equality between women and men is a fundamental right, a common value of the EU, and a necessary condition for the achievement of the EU objectives of growth, employment and social cohesion.

This week will be continued during the school time by an IBM web tool directly linked to the school.

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