EFQUEL Innovation Forum Lisboa 2010

The 4th EFQUEL Innovation Forum took place in Lisbon, Portugal in collaboration with the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and the National Institute for Public Administration of Portugal (INA).

The conference took place in the Instituto Nacional de Administração (INA), situated in the gardens of the old Palace de Marqueses de Pombal in Oeiras, close to Lisbon, in Portugal. 

Interesting opportunity to participate, listen and share the modern concepts about the current paradigms and evolution of the Open Educational Resources (OER) and Games Based Learning (GBL) in school in line with the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.  

"The annual assembly of eLearning and education professionals will debate how opening education can contribute to social inclusion agendas and promote economic wellfare through better equipping citizens with necessary skills"

The Forum started, on September 8th with a pre-conference day, "OPEN PROJECT LABORATORY", followed by the main conference September 9-10. 2010.

The conference theme : 

Open educational resources (OER) are high on the agenda of social inclusion policies and supported by many stakeholders of the educational sphere. User Generated Content is more relevant than ever, and co- and peer-production increasingly at the heart of content development.

At the same time assessment and quality assurance processes are put to test because well contributed experts' and teachers' led approaches to assess and certify quality seem to become less effective in view of user created content and freely available resources.

On the 8th September during the "OPEN PROJECT LABORATORY" the ENGAGE workshop 3 "Games in school - a serious matter to consider for excellent classrooms...?!led by Mr. Sébastien Reinders, Mr. Rolf Reinhardt and me joined an interested group of teachers and stakeholders of the educational sphere.

My presentation and theme discussion was "Creative learning in the digital age" (OER, GBL, Mobile Learning at secondary school). And Sébastien Reinders' presentation "Serious Games on learning". Rolf Reinhardt was the ENGAGE moderator.

Workshop 3 - ENGAGE

We have been consistently impressed and surprised at how leading  educationalists  have been adapting off the shelf video games to engage their students in rich leaning experiences“.

David Yarnton, 2010, Nintendo UK

For three days, researchers, practionners, producers shared in open interesting debates between all participants ideas and experiences about "Open educational resources (OER) on the agenda of social inclusion policies".

The workshops and the parallel sessions took place in  the rooms of Palacete Marqueses de Pombal and the Plenary sessions in the Auditorium of Gulbenkian (Oeiras). 

Parallel Session 1: How can open educational practices contribute to better inclusion, innovation and excellence in education?

I have joined this parallel session where Mr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (EFQUEL, Belgium), Ms. Gráinne Conole (Open University, United Kingdom), Mr. Roberto Carneiro (Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal) were excellent facilitators.

An interactive session! All participants presented an overview about their own open educational practices, trying to contribute to better inclusion and excellent  innovation in education.

On the pannel, created by a student from Unesco University, the developed vision of the participants has been added as well as a common set of recommendations to promote innovation, inclusion and excellence through open educational practices. 

Between all sessions, cooffee-break in the gardens of Palacete where some important events took place too, such as  Get-Together (organised by the Gold Sponsor).

The Forum had as Moderator of the Conference  Prof. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, vice-president of EFQUELHe has been an excellent communicator as well Prof. Roberto Carneiro, professor at the Portuguese Catholic University, where he also chairs the Study Centre on Peoples and Cultures. He is dean of the Institute for Distance Learning. 
Both enriched completely the international community of practitioners who attended the Forum with their vision about innovation on learning and teaching for social inclusion.
Mr. Claudio Dondi, the President of EFQUEL was the principal speaker not only at Plenary Session hereHe also has been the Moderator of the Final Panel discussion: "Re-focusing on quality: How can quality approaches evolve and enhance inclusion, innovation and excellence" here.

The 9th September, a Conference Dinner at INA gardens joined a big group of the participants. After the dinner, the Awarding Ceremony " EFQUEL Award 2010".

The event was broadcast Live Stream in the internet and offered various possibilities to interact with participants such as Twitter and Facebook.

Now on Youtube and Slideshare. A contemporary vision about an even of this importance. My sincere congratulations to Mr. Rolf Reinhardt, the coordinator.

You can read, listen and share all the interesting open debates and messages about the purposes of quality education of the most important panellists of the "2010 Innovation Forum Lisboa" here

A fruitful and instructive conference! The "EFQUEL Innovation Forum" was an excellent opportunity for an active participation, sharing ideas, building and exchanging visions. 

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

* Credits  at European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL)'s Photos - EFQUEL Innovation Forum 2010 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/European-Foundation-for-Quality-in-eLearning-EFQUEL

20th Anniversary Edition of Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire

Hardcover 20th Anniversary Re-issue of Star Wars: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn. http://amzn.to/dor5gM

Star Wars 3-D: The Phantom Menace

As if a Blu-Ray release wasn't enough, Lucasfilm is reprocessing and theatrically re-releasing the Star Wars Saga in the Third Dimension....

September 28, 2010 Lucasfilm Ltd. announced today that the live-action Star Wars Saga will be converted to 3D! There are few movies that lend themselves more perfectly to 3D; from the Death Star trench run to the Tatooine Podrace, the Star Wars Saga has always delivered an entertainment experience that is completely immersive. Presented by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm Ltd., the cutting edge conversion will take that immersion to the next thrilling level, with Industrial Light & Magic supervising the project. Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace is expected to be released theatrically in 2012. A release date has not yet been determined. 

Darth Maul is scarier in 3-D

Controversial Article in MacLean's.


MACLEANS: According to many on both the left and right, obsessing over Quebec’s existential question has come at the expense of proper transparency and accountability. “I don’t think corruption is in our genes any more than it is anywhere else on the planet, but the beginning of an explanation would be the fact that we have focused for so long on the constitutional question,” says Éric Duhaime, a former ADQ candidate who recently helped launch the right-of-centre Réseau Liberté-Québec. “We are so obsessed by the referendum debate that we forget what a good government is, regardless if that government is for or against the independence of Quebec.”

A suggested read for those who are following the eternal debate.  Not nearly as defamatory as I first thought, thankfully.  I love Macleans and would like them to continue to be as non-partisan as journalists can be. I have enough infotainment "news" programs to choke on.

Clone Wars Season 3: Clone Cadets & ARC Troopers

This weeks two part season premier showcased the clones of Domino squad previously seen in Season 1 episode #5: Rookies.  We see Hevy, Echo, Cutup, Fives, going through there final stages of training on Kamino.  We are also given the introduction of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Clone 99, Lama Su, Bounty Hunter Training Sergeants Bric and El-Les, and some ARC Troopers.

In the first episode we see the character development of all the characters, in the second episode we see the invasion and (at least one) the Battle of Kamino.

Visually the Clone Wars has gone to a whole different level from season one, the details of the characters and environments, the movements of characters is simply awesome at this point.  When the series first started I had my doubts about how well the style of animation would work, but as the animation has matured it works very well.  To truly be appreciated the show has to be seen in HD or on Blu Ray.

Dee Bradley Baker is the voice actor for all the adult clones, he is a tour de force in this episode and is the vocal foundation for the series.  Most of this episode is him acting multiple characters interacting with each other in most every scene.

S3:EP1 Clone Cadets

The messages of Clone Cadets, is clear that diversity is a strength rather then a weakness, that team is more important then the individual, and that all life has value.  We see the disabled Clone 99 who while he may not be a Trooper is as wise as most Jedi we have seen.  We see a gang of screw ups with different personalities and skills, come together in the crucible of battle training and becoming a successful team.  We also see the discussions between Shaak Ti and Lama Su regarding clones, and Bric and El-Les regarding the clones as well.  The Shaak Ti/Lama Su scene was very well done.

S3:EP2 ARC Troopers

One of the coolest sets of characters created by the EU are the ARC Troopers, half soldier half bounty hunter, all kinds of awesome.  If the first two episodes are any indication, I think we will see ARC Troopers (even if its not the same ones) as recurring characters in the series going forward.

The best part of either episode was Assaj Ventress.  She was the evil star of the show.  She is scary, Sexy, and very entertaining.

Aqua droids, cool new ships, dramatic battles, and sick lightsaber battles make this an episode not to miss.  Only one question, where is Ahsoka? 

Continuity Issues?

Karen Traviss no departed from the stable of Star Wars EU contributors did a ton of work on the backstory of clones, their training, culture, etc.  Also the development of the Null-ARCs a rejected early group of suped up Jango clones.

It is with some relief that because of the way the episode was presented some ideas from Traviss' work fit in and some was neither included not contradicted.  We had bounty hunters training clones.  In Traviss' Republic Commando series, Jango Fett  recruited a group he called the Cuy'val Dar ("Those who no longer exist") to give up there lives and in secret go to Kamino to help him train the clones.  While its made clear that Bric and El-Les are bounty hunters, it is not mentioned whether either is Mandalorian, though I am assuming that neither is.  This is not a problem because the Cuy'val Dar were not exclusively Mandalorian, though the majority of them were.  But this is also not a problem because the Cuy'val Dar story is mostly about what happened before the war kicks off in terms of training.  Its perfectly reasonable that as the Republic took control of the army it brought in more trainers that it had a hand in selecting, and that Bric and El-Les could either be original Cuy'val Dar or later additions to the roster of training instructors.

Bric does also have some similarities to another of Traviss' characters in Walon Vau, who took a very much tough love approach and physically and emotionally battered his clone trainees.

How does Clone 99 related to the idea that Kaminoans destroyed defective clones?  It would be easier to fit 99 into the continuity if he wasn't so physically deformed.  If he was just a shade below spec, it would make sense that they may keep him around and not recycle him.  However, I think a ready explanation exists in the EU, in later of Traviss' books we see that the Kiminoan economy is not doing well and that the Republic is not exactly paying all its bills.  Keeping around defective clones for menial labor makes sense as a cost control measure.

I am happy to see that overall it looks like George Lucas and Dave Filoni have told a clone centric story based on Kamino that tells a parallel story to what we see in the Karen Traviss novels without any major direct continuity conflicts.

"They will be sorely disappointed in me."

RED HARVEST COVER: Mmm Sith Brains.....

Now this is how you do a Star Wars/horror novel cover. Brain eating Sith Zombies.

It would be really good if this book delves into some Sith history and shows some Sith record the history of this past outbreak incident in a holocron or something which Palpatine discovers and leads to the events of 'Deathtroopers.'

À faire penser...

Poster Miel /Semih Kaplanogiu

Puisqu'on parle tellement d'inclusion dans nos écoles, à propos aussi de l'Année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale (2010), un film qui nous fait réflechir...

Récompensé d’un ours d’or à Berlin, « Miel » est un film d’apprentissage dont le personnage central est un garçon de 6 ans, Yusuf, dans un village reculé d’Anatolie.


Yusuf a 6 ans, il vit avec ses parents dans un village isolé d’Anatolie. 

Pour le petit garçon, la forêt environnante est un lieu de mystère et d’aventure où il aime accompagner Yakup, son père apiculteur. Il le regarde avec admiration installer ses ruches et récolter le miel à la cime des arbres.

Les abeilles se faisant de plus en plus rares, Yakup est obligé de partir travailler plus loin dans la forêt. Mais il tarde à revenir, et le monde se retrouve soudain plein de son absence.

Miel /scène du film

Construit en flash-back, « Miel » nous plonge dans son quotidien divisé en trois espaces : l’école, la maison et la forêt. 

En classe, Yusuf voudrait lire à haute voix, mais les sons sortent difficilement de sa bouche. 

A la maison, il refuse de boire le lait supposé le faire grandir. Il préfère courir dans la forêt, suivre son père apiculteur. 

Ce rapport à la nature, traité avec poésie et mystère, confère une puissance certaine au travail du réalisateur. 

Un film qui nous laisse deux importantes questions:

L'importance de la famille auprès de l'enfant et l'apprentissage pour la vie au milieu de la nature.

À une époque où les jeunes sont enfermés, presque tout le temps - maison, école, ville, réseaux sociaux - un film qui nous fait penser! 

Il faut sortir nos élèves, de plus en plus, dans la nature,  faire des cours en plein air, je l'ai déjà écrit ici. Le vrai 'savoir comprendre, savoir faire, savoir apprendre' se trouve dans des espaces nature.

Environmental education and outdoor play is important for our children’s personal and academic growth. With students now spending 90% of their time indoors, “nature deficit disorder” is on the rise.

A recent study found that children spend less than four minutes a day in “unstructured outdoor play.” This secluded lifestyle is causing emotional, educational, and physical consequences, including obesity. Getting kids outside teaches them about the world around them and gives them an appreciation for nature"[...]


«Miel» a obtenu l'Ours d'Or de meilleur film du Festival De Berlin 2010. Cette récompense lui a été décernée par le jury présidé par Werner Herzog.

"Limpide, élégiaque, radieux dans sa manière d'évoquer les épreuves de Yusuf, le cinéma de Kaplanoglu apaise, fascine, grandit."


Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com® 

Eloquental Bee.

Job: NEW!! Peak Performance Inc. Distributor of Himalaya Organic Supplements and other exclusive lines for the Canadian Market. They sent me to Toronto for their annual sales meeting and it was intensive. Definitely an opportunity I am thankful I was hired in time for.


Relationship: Greg and I have officially been together 2 years, if you count from the first kiss. Crazy. It's just as much fun as it was the first week. We are celebrating by making Potato Leek Soup from scratch since it is my new fave to make, and Greg adores it. The CSA drop off veggies usually dictate what we make for the week, so this has been a few weeks of leek-y, potato-y goodness.

Home: We love this apartment. It is so cozy and clean and quiet. Except for the dead body they dragged out of the apartment building across from us, that is. From the scene in the parking lot, we imagine an overdose or suicide. There has been a vigil of Somalians hanging around for the passed 2 days. But our apartment is awesome.  Love the real hardwood.

Miscellaneous: Went to a raw food seminar with Melissa last week and it was a pretty rad little goddess trip. Plus, I am totally making raw food stuffs now. ;)  I have to call my mother and see my dad.  I can't wait until Greg & I take our fall trip to Summerland, and Melissa and I take our Christmas shopping trip to Calgary.  So many plans...

This was the least eloquent update I've written in a while.
Good thing nobody actually reads this, hey?

RED HARVEST: Cover to be released soon

Joe Schreiber's prequel to the 'Deathtroopers' novel is entitled 'Red Harvest' and is due to be released in the U.S. on 12/28/10 is set to get its cover finalized soon.

Sue Rostoni posted the following in the VIP thread on Starwars.com;

The cover for RED HARVEST will be posted soon! Maybe today, maybe tomorrow --- stay tuned.

For those unfamiliar with 'Deathtroopers,' it was released on 10/13/09 and told the story of an Imperial prison barge that was infected with a virus/bioweapon that had the unfortunate result of creating zombies. Its was a weird but enjoyable Star Wars tale with a brief cameo by HanSolo and Chewbacca.

Star Wars Live Action Television Update

In a new interview by IGN George Lucas talks about the Live Action Star Wars Television Series, that is currently being interdicted by production costs....

A quick summary:

1) Scripts done for 1 TV movie and 50 hours.
2) Current Production costs would be @$50M per episode.
3) Planning to use "much more sophisticated" cameras
4) Waiting for production/special effects costs to come down.
5) Won't compromise on quality, but working to improve technology to tell story.


International Peace Day

To some it’s just a single day. But to us, 21 September is a 24 hour-long platform for life-saving activities around the world and an opportunity for individuals - particularly young people - to become involved in the peace process.  21 September is the UN International Day of Peace, a day of global ceasefire and non-violence: Peace Day.

As a teacher, you can register here and get the full resources for "PeaceoneDay" education. 

Tell your students to follow PeacioneDay on Twitter, Youtube or Facebook. 

Get involved. It is one day, but what a difference can do in our lives!

21.September. 2010
Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com® 







It's Always Sunny If This is On.

Greenpeace is not a friend of Facebook

An interesting and funny  green video ! Is Greenpeace right or wrong? Discuss it at school! 

Involve your students and debate the ideas!

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com® 

This is why I hate flying.

Y’know, I used to be afraid of things like turbulence and dying.
Now I am afraid of screaming babies, glitches in the in-flight TVs and people who smell.

And for good reason.

After we almost got lost trying to find the airport in a city that has decided streets are boring if they stay heading in one direction, I found out that my gate is closed and I had to go along with the Gate A people. This made for a ridiculously long and arduous security line full of people with arbitrary solutions and redundant complaints.

“Y’know, if I was a terrorist, I know how to get on a plane to blow the shit out of people even IF they make me take my shoes off…”

I decided now was the perfect time to pretend I was Russian.

Shoes off? “, I asked in my best make-me-your-foreign-sex-whore accent.
“Uhhh… no, those shoes are okay. Do you have a laptop?”
“Yes!! Thank you!”
“No, Ma’am… where is it? Can you take it out of the bag?”
“Thank you. “
“Thank you.”
“Do you have anything in your pockets?”
“Toronto. Thank you.”

She sighed and pushed me along. I waved and acted like this was my last flight to Disneyland. I should have thought of this YEARS ago.
I made my way to Gate B and after the 20 minute delay trying to locate “Chin Wan Kim? Ummm… maybe Kim… Wan… Chin? Damn it “ over the intercom, they began pre-boarding: business men and those with special needs. This sounded vague enough for me. I got in line.

“Madame, do you have special requirements?” the distressed airport employee/ mother of nine inquired.
“Oh! Ummm… oh, are you… wait, let me see…”
she asked and checked her screen, trying to locate the ‘immigrant passenger- let’s speed this up’ notation on my boarding pass.
“Okay, why don’t we just get you in there…” she decided, and let me on before the Business Class even had a chance to pull out their passports.

Small victories.
And don’t sit there and judge me.
I’m not finished yet.

So, after finding my middle seat over the wing- fuck ME- we are alerted that the pilot is unable to take off because people have not understood the take-on luggage requirements and there are too many pieces for the storage space in the beloved overhead compartment. (I’d like to be more frustrated, except Air Canada BEGS for this shit. They repeatedly lose luggage and leave passengers stranded for days, which is the extent of their trip at times, with nothing more than a Visa bill and a free copy of the in-flight magazine featuring plums. I’d bring my vibrator as carry-on, too, except that I have a sense of adventure and like to invite future anecdotes.)

After people of different languages and priorities attempted to get their proverbial shit together, we got to sit on the tarmac and watch the new safety “movie” for ten minutes, complete with soon-to-be porn stars showing off their manicured fingernails and seat-belt buckling skills. Then there were the 5 minutes of advertisements so we know exactly who to blame for this piece of shit. At that point, we were a half an hour late for take off.

The Asian gentleman beside me started mumbling something under his breath that could be a ninja death wish or a conversation with himself about whether to watch that new Jennifer Aniston movie or just give up on her altogether. All I know is that his breath smelled like wet sock and Wonton soup.

Eventually, we took off and dinner service commenced.
But not for ME, because when my new employer booked my flight they didn’t check the “meal please” box on the form.
But I am welcomed to buy a gluten-free tuna sandwich for twelve dollars. Fuck ME.

“Sorry, ma’am. We have liquor service?”
“Thank you. How much? “
“Six dollars. But we only take Visa. And you’ll have to wait until the food carts are finished. About 15 minutes.”
“Thank you.”

I was at least happy they took Visa, since I had pre-paid Visas for just such an occasion. This should have worked out fine.

Turbulence. Seat belts on. Bathroom privileges revoked. Food cart parked for half an hour.
I noticed everybody’s personal TV was playing movies except mine, which read a somber 'No service available.'

By the time they came by with the drink cart, the people in front of me have finished watching Iron Man 2 and I have decided a Rum is in order.

“Rum and… cola? Coca Cola?” I stumbled, Slavic-ly.

I passed her the Visa... which didn’t work. My face fell as the dispensing attendant took back the small bottle of Bacardi like a disappointed parent.

“The machine doesn’t recognize it.” she said, confused.

‘Of course it doesn’t’, I thought, ‘what, with the big Visa logo on the front of it…’
She grabbed the bottle and a can of Coke from the other girl and handed them to me.

“It’s on us.”

I smiled my biggest ‘I Love Canada’ smile and thanked her.
Wonton Soup sighed and the attendant sneezed.


And now here we are.
It is the best rum and Coke I have had in a long while and eases the pain of continually having to smell the pizzas people keep ordering around me (apparently, they are bottomless), and sock soup.
I now calculate the flight times to realize that by the time I get to my hotel room it will be past ten, and therefore too late for a real dinner.

Denny’s should not be anyone’s last meal.

Fuck. ME.