Preview Review: Fate of the Jedi Vortex Chapter 5. *SPOILERS*

What is Vortex?

Vortex is the 6th of 9 books in the Fate of the Jedi series by Lucas Books/Del Ray. The novel by Troy Denning is due out November 30th, so for those looking for Christmas gifts, it would be great way to reward that Star Wars fan you know. Denning's latest is clocking in @ 400 pages and is available for pre-order $16.20 at Amazon or if you're a Kindle owner only $6.29. If you own the Kindle there is no reason not to get the book at that price. Awesome deal. Anyways onto the official Blurb:

In a stunning turn of events, Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben, joined forces with members of the Sith armada sent to kill them -- and turned their combined might against the monstrous being Abeloth, whose power was causing young Jedi Knights to go seemingly insane. But with Abeloth gone and the Knights sane again, the Sith reverted to form, making a treacherous attempt on Luke's life.
Luke and Ben have no time for retaliation. A new and even more insidious threat is rising, one that endangers not only the Jedi but the entire Galactic Alliance. Unless the Skywalkers survive to sound the alarm -- and to pass along the secrets they have learned about Abeloth and the Sith -- the galaxy will suffer as it has never suffered before. But the reinforcements they need remain grounded on Coruscant, where the political battle of wills between the Jedi Council and Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala has reached a boiling point.
Now Luke and Ben must go on the run, taking along the inscrutable -- and dangerous -- Sith apprentice Vestara Khai. With a host of Sith warriors in hot pursuit, the Skywalkers soon find themselves trapped on the moon Pydyr, caught between their former allies and a mob of angry Fallanassi. A new truce may be their only hope. But can a Sith ever be trusted?
               With the Jedi's most famous father-and-son team outnumbered and outgunned, the countdown to
                 galactic disaster  has begun -- and time is running out!  

There be Spoilers below…………Seriously stop reading now unless you have selective memory.......or are a Cerean with a two brains and will use one to read the spoiler and another to read the book….of course if you are a Cerean that's pretty awesome…….

CHAPTER 5: Preview Review

Vortex presents us with two main plot lines, Luke/Ben vs. Sith vs. Fallanassi (White Current), and Jedi Order vs. Daala/GA/Mando Mercs. In Chapter 5 which is available in PDF form here, we get a scene dealing with the later.

Setting: Foot of the Jedi Temple, Fellowship Plaza, Coruscant.

Chapter Dramatis Personae: Han Solo, Chief of State Daala, Jedi Sothais Saar and Turi Altamik, and Xenopsychiatrist Dr. Talleus Tharn.


CoS Daala has come to the Jedi Temple expecting the Jedi to finally cave into the Galactic Alliance's siege of the Temple, and turn over all the crazy Jedi to be locked up in Carbonite. Little does Daala know that she is playing Sabacc against Han Solo and he has a skifter in his pocket. What Han has is sane Jedi. From the previous novel Allies by Christie Golden, when Luke "killed" Abeloth, the psychosis that was affecting the Maw sheltered Jedi miraculously dissipated. Han is running a con on Daala, attempting to trick her to publicly committing to free the cured Jedi, lift the siege and hopefully get the Horn children released from GA custody.

Chapter Excerpt:

Daala's glare turned suspicious. "I want the barvy ones, Captain
Solo: Sothais Saar, Turi Altamik, and all of the other unstable Jedi who
pose a danger to the citizens of this planet." She raised her chin and
spoke directly to the holocams hovering overhead. "And to this
"And then you'll lift the siege." Han phrased this not as a question,
but as a condition . . . and he made sure he was also speaking into a
holocam mike. "That's the agreement."
"I'll lift the siege after I'm satisfied that the Jedi are no longer sheltering
psychotic Jedi Knights," Daala said carefully. "And I am going to
search the Temple. Let's be very clear about that."
    Its jam packed with Star Wars awesomeness! Seriously in this brief 14 page excerpt we have 14 characters making an appearance and 3 others being mentioned. It is also jam packed with descriptive writing, for example we learn that Jedi Master Kyp Durron wears algoraspice cologne. Do I need to know that? No, but it's this kind of background detail that fleshes out characters and settings and makes for a very good Star Wars novel.

    This is also a great characterization for Han Solo. It is almost like he slipped into his old Smuggler boots and ditched the "respectable" persona that has been crafted for him in much of the EU. I could just see the smirk on his face when Daala finally figured out he had her outmaneuvered and there was nothing she could do about it.

    The chapter also leaves a nice cliff hanger as the fates of Jysella and Valin Horn is left unresolved, and the presentation of Corran and Mirax Horn in really rough emotional shape foreshadows interesting and dark directions that the story could take. Does Corran go to the Dark Side in frustration/anger to get his kids back?

    If chapter 5 is any indication, Vortex has the potential to be the best book in the Fate of the Jedi Series. Will it live up to its potential? Find out with me on November 30th.






More Examples of the World that Republicans Wish to Live in...

Good LORD.

And here, another comedian friend Jimmy, puts Ari & Friends in their place...

Sometimes people are able to give a different opinion, but they don't seem to last long.  Here, Ari decided that a rally's littering was a direct result of their being socialists.  so, clearly, the message is that Liberals don't give a shit about their country:

I get to read shit like this almost daily:

Shawn will especially enjoy that last one.
Perhaps it is bad for for me to post these discussions in my blog, but he is a very obtuse anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-liberal-in-any-way Republican; he loves discourse or he wouldn't bother with facebook at all.  I haven't even seen a posting of a comedy show or promo for anything related to his career or personal life at all.  All I have seen is political banter.

So I would like to think that, in the same fashion, he would approve of me doing that as well.

Restoring Sanity and my One Republican friend.

So, I think it's pretty obvious that I am not a Republican. 
For one, I am Canadian, but I am also leaning way too far to the left for people to even consider I might be conservative.

But I have a Republican comedian friend on my Facebook friend list, and even if his views (which are, surprisingly, not humourous at all) can be cruel and heartless and slanderous, I keep him on my homefeed and read his opinions daily.


Because I have to know what the other guys are thinking.

They have threatened to burn Muslims at the cross, sterilize gay rights activists, and... I shit you not... poison teenagers who claim to be Democrats.  It is unyielding hatred for "the other side" and I have a hard time reading it all, but I have to.  I have to know what they believe and how they came to be so angry and so defiant of others' will.

I will document some of it so that you can all read it here and perhaps we can discuss why it is that these people have come to be so bloody in their battles.

Today's debate was over this Funny or Die video...

Their comments, so far, are in these screen shots.  Also, it was only 9:30am.  We've barely even begun scratching the surface of comments to this...

And they are upset at the actors being juvenile?  I'll keep you posted...

Back to the Future for PC in school

Tellta Tale Games has announced Back to the Future for PC and Mac. The game will be launched in December 2010. Ipad version will come later.

This game is based on "Back to the Future 3" and will have the participation of the actor Christopher Lloyd. Back to the Future will span five episodes, with one episode released each month. The first one will be for free if you register here

Michael J. Fox & Christopher Lloyd
Back to the Future 

So, Universal Studio Home Entertainment released yesterday, the 26th Ocotober 2010, Back to the Future I II and III as a 25th Anniversary Trilogy. Can it really be 25 years since "Back to the Futur" flew into theaters and became a pop culture phenomen? Yes, indeed!

Michael J. Fox has been the special guest in the presentation of this High-Def. version. The actors Mary Steenburger, Lea Thompson and Christopher Lloyd has been invited too. 

The newly restored High-Def. Blu-Ray Disc released contains over two hours of bonus material, including 16 deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes footage and "Tales from the Futur", a new six-part retrospective documentary. 

Back to the Future high-def.

This is the first time that "Back to the Future" films are released in high-definition disc format. Full details here 

A $1 donation will be donated to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research. The site is also inviting users to register to receive the first episode for free 

The studio design director Dave Grossman said:" You can expect Back to the Future to be the next step in the evolution that we have been doing for the adventure game, probably a little more accessible and directed. We've been moving things in that direction for a long time". Let's wait for the game fo PC

Let's wait for "Back to the Future", the game fo PC and there we will study the pedagogical use in the classroom. Meanwhile, why not display the high-def. Back to the Future 3 in a face-to-face course?! 

Movies and games offer teachers and students a nice motivation push! A narration let us know something. It telle us what happened. It tell us a story. Our students love hear narrations. 

It provides the necessary information to understand the educational benefits of digital resources and virtual worlds and to lear how to use them as educational and motivational resources.

Don't miss all the information about the cerimony of 25th Anniversary on Bryan Reesman blog. Very interesting!

And let your students follow the news on Facebook or Twitter or even better join the conversation on the Telltale blog

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,® 

Mara Jade on the cover of 'Choices of One'

The preliminary cover art for Timothy Zahn's new novel 'Choices of One,' has been released on

Pictured on the cover is a young Emperor's Hand; Mara Jade.  In the background are the AWOL Stormtroopers, The Hand of Judgment, LaRone, Marcross, Grave, Quiller, and Brightwater.

'Choices of One' is the sequel to Timothy Zahn's novel Allegiance. It follows a young Mara Jade early in her career as an enforcer of Palpatine's New Order.  It also follows the adventures of a squad of stormtroopers that desert after they see some of the Empire's atrocities and run afoul of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), the Empires secret police.

It will be interesting to see whether we get two different storylines, or whether its more of a unified story line with Mara and the Hand of Judgement together for most of the book.

In the first book, Zahn wrote some awesome scenes featuring Darth Vader and Mara Jade interacting. 

What does the new book have in store? The future is always in motion.....

The book is due out July 19, 2011 and set to come in @ 416 pages.

Lost Tribe of the Sith #5: Purgatory FREE EBOOK NOVELLA

John Jackson Miller's latest installment in the e-book series LTotS has been released in PDF.

Hopefully a kindle version will be up on soon.

For those of you unfamiliar with the setting of the Lost Tribe of the Sith series.  The crew of a Sith dreadnaught, the Omen, crash land on a technologically and naturally resource deprived world of Kesh.  The story follows how the stranded Sith deal with each other and the natives of the planet.

This series of E-books ties in with the current major novel cycle by Lucasbooks/DelRey, Fate of the Jedi.

A captivating publicity

A relaxing escape for the week-end! 

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,® 

Portuguese surf game for iPhone & iPad

Tiago Pires (Portugal) & Taj Burrow (Australia)

"A surfing game that’s actually fun? Rad! There have not been many surfing games in gaming history."

Matt Dunn (USA)

Chillingo announced in September a licensing agreement with developer Biodroid to publish Billabong Surf Trip, an arcade-simulation surfing game for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Set throughout the world’s best surfing destinations, the game uses Billabong’s top professional surfers Andy Irons, Taj Burrow, Joel Parkinson and Tiago Pires as ambassadors for the game, who share helpful tips on how to rip and get tubed on waves for maximum performance.

Biodroid developed a robust life-like game that explores Surf and Billabong heritage in a totally authentic way” said Diogo Horta e Costa of Biodroid.

“We worked closely with Billabong and its Professional Surfers to ensure that the game mechanics mirrored what is experienced in reality,” states Ricardo Flores, of Biodroid. “Every detail from the types of heart-stopping waves found at various surfing locations to the range of maneuvers players can try is the same as what can actually be done in the sport.”

“My overall experience with Billabong Surf Trip was a good one,” wrote Matt Dunn from the prestigious game site Touch Gen. “The waves are sweet, the controls are solid, and the various maneuvers actually require some skill and timing to pull off.”

Tiago Pires, Maya Gabiera, Taj Burrow

Top surf stars Taj Burrow, Maya Gabeira and Tiago Pires were also on hand and gave the crowd some of their thoughts on how the game had been developed from the surf aficionado’s viewpoint.

BiodroidEntertainment is a media entertainment company founded in 2007 and based in Lisbon, Portugal. The company focuses on the management, production and distribution of IP based products. 

There is not many games on sports. And less on outdoor sports! So, I think this surfing game can motivate young people to a healthy outdoor life!

And the fact of best surfing champions being  behind the creation of this project will help kids and teens to practice a healthy sport!

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,® 

Ballprints in the Butter...

"You know what it’s like when you come home from work and you’re still upset about that whole thing with Jenkins after lunch when he was trying to horn in on your ideas and you were all “Jenkins, what the f*ck?” and Jenkins gave you that goddamn smug smile that makes him look like a rat and if Mr. Avery wasn’t there you would have smacked his smart mouth with a stapler, but all you could do was try to sound smarter than the little bitch and it irked you the whole day? And then on the drive home you got stuck at that red light next to the bar where all the tranny hookers hang out, and the red lasts literally five minutes, so for five minutes you just had to sit there trying to ignore the three trannies who were asking if you wanted to taste some cock candy? And then you finally get home and all you want is to have a drink and make a sandwich and then you go into the fridge and there’s no beer left and the only Coke is already open, and the cheese was left unwrapped so it got that dark, chunky crust buildup that you hate, and when you grabbed the butter you could swear there was a perfect impression of a waxed scrotum in there, detailed wrinkles and all? That doesn’t happen by accident."

Kidexpo à Paris

Le salon famille Kidexpo aura lieu 22, 23, 24 et 25 octobre 2010 à Paris, Porte de Versailles. Cette année, une trentaine de stands seront présentés, regroupant des thèmes variés et proposant des animations, conférences ou activités : sport, nutrition, santé, sciences, loisirs. À voir toute la programmation ici

Deux nouveautés cette année pour les enfants : le Village de la science, où on peut monter à bord d’un simulateur de pilotage d’avion et le Festival du jeu de société avec tous les jeux de Noël : le Monopoly avec carte bleue, le 1000 bornes électronique et la présentation du jeu Creationary (conçu par Lego).

Pour les parents, une série de conférences avec des conseils, des bons plans vacances et le stand de la mairie de  aidera à trouver des activités pour les enfants.

Mon choix personnel va pour EcoFolio un stand ecolo qui proposera plusieurs animations pour sensibiliser les enfants au tri et au recyclage des papiers.

Léo Folio,  outil pédagogique pour sensibiliser au tri et au recyclage des papier (conçu par des acteurs de l’éducation environnementale et labellisé par le ministère du Développement durable), sera présenté en exclusivité à Kidexpo.

Autour des thèmes de l’éducation et de l’autorité, des difficultés scolaires et de la précocité ou encore de l’alimentation et du surpoids chez l’enfant, des tables rondes vous accueilleront tous les jours à 11h et 15h au « Rendez-vous des mamans ».

Il y aura un prix Kidexpo qui sera remis à l’un des 10 jouets nominés et présentés lors du salon. Ces produits, parmi lesquels des jouets de Lego, Playmobil ou Lansay, seront soumis aux votes des enfants et des parents, et le prix du grand gagnant sera remis le lundi 25 octobre à 15 heures.

Si vous habitez Paris, ne perdez pas la possibilité de vous amuser! Allez! Partez à Kidexpo!

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,®

"Top Homos."

On the front page of a Ugandan newspaper, the country's 100 "top" homosexuals were listed, along with a bright yellow banner that reads, "Hang Them."
It also includes a photo and their addresses.

Four men have been attacked since the paper was published and many others are now in hiding. But this is not new for the conservative African country. A lawmaker introduced a bill last year that would have imposed the death penalty or life in prison for homosexual acts.

Gays in Uganda have suffered harassment and attacks since the bill was introduced. It follows a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy to turn gay people straight.

Ugandan citizen Patrick Ndede:
"Before the introduction of the bill in parliament most people did not mind about our activities. But since then, we are harassed by many people who hate homosexuality. The publicity the bill got made many people come to know about us and they started mistreating us."
Over the last year, 20 gay men have been attacked in Uganda, while another 17 have been arrested or put in prison.

The future of books?

The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.

What impact will digital books have on the experience of the written word – apart from the form factor, and the ability to store hundreds of works on a single ebook reader? Will the rise of gadgets like Kindle and tablet computers like iPad actually contribute to the medium in a creative way? Read more

Interesting, isn't it? You can also participate in the discussion online.

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog,® 


Is interactive fiction the future of books?