A Salute to Sue: Lucasfilm Executive Editor Retiring

It is the end of an era, Starwars.com has announced that the guiding force behind Star Wars publishing, Executive Editor Sue Rostoni is retiring in July of 2011 after over 20 years with the company.

"I have enjoyed the best job in the world with the most wonderfully creative people," said Rostoni. "I'm so grateful to have been a part of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones programs these past years -- it's been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life." 

The article also has great quotes by Lucas Licensing President Howard Roffman, Dark Horse Editor Randy Stradley and Del Rey Editor Shelly Shapiro.

I had the pleasure of interacting with Sue on the SW.com message boards over the years, but I have had the even greater pleasure of reading the Star Wars Expanded Universe that she helped shepherd into existence and maturity.

I could go on and on about the efforts of Sue Rostoni and the others who have kept the Star Wars story alive, but in the end I only have one thing to say.  Thank you Sue. 

SOURCE: Starwars.com