Podcast Profile: Jedi Journal with Jovial Jay Shepard and Chris Wyman

The latest subject of my Podcast Profile feature is the newest edition to the ForceCast family.  Produced in association with TheForce.Net and Rebelscum.com this podcast is hosted by Jovial Jay Shepard and Chris Wyman. 

This podcast is up to its 4th Episode, producing one podcast each in November 2010, January 2011, February 2011 and March 2011. 

To be honest I was rather underwhelmed with the premier episode in November, but there was enough there too keep me interested in seeing how they would develop as they found their voices.

I think January and February show some solid growth from the show, but March's episode is by far the best.  Hosted by Jay, March's episode featured a great interview with Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet and features Eric Geller discussing the latest Fate of the Jedi novel: Vortex.

The podcast features in depth discussions of Star Wars book publishing across all formats and in depth Star Wars comic discussion as well. 

If you are a fan of the SWEU and enjoy the ForceCast's other shows, give Jedi Journal a shot on your iPod or MP3 player. 

ForceCast Link to Jedi Journals Podcasts